Drive into“Highway”!EAS system hardware upgrade helps speed up the app’s financial system
Source: Hebei Construction Investment app Time: 2024-05-06

5month5Day, appMinistry of Science and Technology Information,FinanceManagement Department, Jiantou Digital Company, WisdomFinanceCorporate SciencesystemWith close cooperation,The app’s financial EAS system successfully completed the hardware app Financial SystemThe operating speed has been greatly improved, effectively improvedFinancePersonnelWorkEfficiency, app FinanceData security has built a solid barrier.

With the continuous improvement and development of the app’s financial work,EAS financial system hardware cannot meet the needs of financial work,To a certain extentInfluencedFinancePersonnelWorkEfficiency, increasedSystemOperation and maintenance difficulty and security risks. Based on this, appIn conjunction with the Ministry of Science and Technology and InformationFinanceManagement Department, Jiantou Digital Company, WisdomFinanceThe company has been carefully researched,Consider fully utilizing existing Jiantou Cloud resources,CombinedoracleThe characteristics of the database determine the cloud+Database serviceServiceDevice+StoredEASFinancial system hardwareMigration alternatives, to ensure a trouble-free migration,UpgradeThe plan has gone through multiple technologiesworkThe engineer conducted rigorous deductions and confirmations, and at the same time made rigorous preparationsUpgradePre-plans, test plans and emergency measures.

In order not to affect normal work,Hardware upgradeMigrationWorkOpened during the May Day holiday。Holiday Eve,Jiantou Digital Company is in full swingCompleteIn charge of equipment procurement, functional testing, network debugging, etc.DepartmentColumn migration preparationWork, for migrationWorkLaid a solid foundation. go appThe team works overtime、Full preparation and rigorous and efficient implementation operations day and night,Only14hoursCompleteChanged the original plan50hours of database backup migrationWork, save time than originally scheduled36hour, follow-up appFinanceThe management department organizes each user unit to review the migratedSystemTesting,All functions are working normally,The measured sequential read and write waiting time of database performance increased from the original 47ms to 4ms,This upgrade has greatly improved the operating speed and user experience of the financial system。

Next step,The app’s Science and Technology Information Department and Jiantou Digital Company will continue to optimize the databaseSystem, play newHardwareThe cache advantage of the device, guaranteedSystemRun at high speed.

( app Science and Technology Information Department、FinanceManagement Department, Jiantou Digital Company, WisdomFinance公司 供稿)