Hebei Construction Investment Group Party Committee Theoretical Study Center Group specializes in studying the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bc game bonus code Time: 2024-07-22

7Month 22nd,Hebei Construction Investment Group Party Committee Theoretical Study Center Group held a special study meeting on the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th CPC Central Committee,Secretary bc game bonus code Group Party Committee、Chairman Mi Dabin presided over the meeting,Deputy Secretary bc game bonus code Group Party Committee、General Manager Cao Xin,Other leadership team members attended the meeting,Departments bc game bonus code group、The main responsible comrades of each enterprise attended the meeting。

The meeting focused on studying the "Communique bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Communist Party of China",Learned and conveyed the arrangements and arrangements made by the Standing Committee bc game bonus code Provincial Committee on the promotion and implementation bc game bonus code spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party in our province。

bc game bonus code requestedIn-depth understanding bc game bonus code significance bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party,Consider studying, publicizing and implementing the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th CPC Central Committee as a major political task at present and in the future。bc game bonus code isTo improve political standing,Insist on unifying our thoughts with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new thoughts, new perspectives and new judgments on comprehensively deepening reforms and the “Decision” adopted by the bc game bonus code。The second isPolitical responsibilities must be implemented,Set off an upsurge in studying and implementing the spirit bc game bonus code plenary session throughout the group。Passed by the Party Committee、Theoretical Learning Center Group Learning,Study in depth through methods such as "First Topic" and "Three Meetings and One Lesson"、Learn repeatedly、Learn the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th CPC Central Committee based on actual practice。Pay close attention to publicity and guidance,Let the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code Central Committee bc game bonus code Communist Party of China enter the grassroots、Incoming branch、Join the team,Focus on practical actions and results in learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit bc game bonus code plenary session。bc game bonus code isWe must strengthen political responsibility,Conscientiously implement the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party。We must fully implement the major deployment bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th CPC Central Committee on deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises,Focus on making state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises stronger, better and bigger,Focus on enhancing core functions、Improve core competitiveness,Create a source of original technology,Deepening the reform of state-owned capital investment companies,Building a world-class enterprise,Vigorously implement reforms, deepen and improve actions,Further solidify the institutional guarantee for the group’s high-quality development,Effectively transform the strategic deployment bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code Central Committee into a powerful force to promote the high-quality development bc game bonus code group。FourthMust be closely connected with reality,Ensure the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party is implemented in the group。All sectors bc game bonus code group must focus on implementing the arrangements made by the Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party,Think carefully and discuss based on the actual situation of each company,Propose opinions and suggestions for implementation,Ensure that the group system fully implements the spirit bc game bonus code Third Plenary Session bc game bonus code 20th Central Committee bc game bonus code Party。

Mi Dabin emphasized,We must implement the decisions and arrangements bc game bonus code Party Central Committee and the requirements bc game bonus code Provincial Party Committee,Completely complete the group’s annual goals and tasks。To serve the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei、Construction of Xiongan New Area、Be courageous in taking responsibility for national strategies such as the “double carbon” goal and the economic and social development of our province。We must coordinate security and development work。We must adhere to the party’s leadership,Strengthening party building,Led by the party’s political construction,Leading high-quality development with high-quality party building,Achieving the organic integration bc game bonus code party’s work and enterprise reform and development。We must consolidate and expand the results of theme education,Deepening Party Discipline Learning and Education。Adhere to correct conduct, discipline and anti-corruption,Promote the "Three No-Corruption" in one piece,Establish a correct view of political performance,Illegal eating and drinking is strictly prohibited,Maintain a clean political ecology and a good political environment for the development bc game bonus code group。

(Contributed by the Party and Mass Work Department bc game bonus code Group)