bc.game casino Hebei Construction Investment Group successfully issued a 1 billion yuan super short -term financing coupon interest rate.
Source: bc.game casino Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-07-25

   Recent,bc.game casino Hebei Construction Investment Group has completed the issuance of two -phase ultra -short -term financing voucher,A total of 1 billion yuan,Among them: the amount of 90 days of 90 days is 500 million yuan,Ticket surface interest rate bc.game app is 1.9%; the amount of 60 days of 60 days is 500 million yuan,Ticket surface interest rate 1.89%。The group company has become the first ultra -short -term distribution enterprise with a interest rate of less than 2%this year in the province。

Since this year,The interest rate of the bond market shows a downward trend,Group company seize the favorable distribution window,Issuing 10 to 15 bc.game live casino -year ultra -long term bonds,Optimized adjustment and adjusted the group's debt structure。To make up for short -term capital requirements,Reduce financing costs,The group company has formulated a 60 -day and 90 -day ultra -short -term integration issuance plan,and combined with the favorable timing of recent loose capital,Quickly start the issuance work,bc.game review 2024 Communicate with market investors in advance with the underwriters,Successfully attracted the fund、Finance、Bank、Securities and other multi -type investment institutions,Locking the optimal market interest rate。Group companySuccessful distribution of this ultra -short meling,Guaranteed funding demand,Reduced financing costs,forGroup's next stepfinancing work has laid a good foundation.


(Group Financial Management Department  Supply for Draft)