Hebei Asset Management Company organized a special report meeting on studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Communist Party of China
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bc.game review 2024 Time: 2023-01-13

1Month 10th,Hebei Asset Management held a special report meeting on studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Communist Party of China,Company Party Committee Secretary、Chairman Qin Gang gives a presentation report。All members bc.game review 2024 company’s leadership team、Departments、All employees of member companies attended the meeting。The meeting was chaired by the deputy secretary bc.game review 2024 company’s party committee、Vice Chairman、Presided over by General Manager Li Qiang。

Qin Gang pointed out,The 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Communist Party of China put forward a series of new major ideological viewpoints、Major judgment、Major measures,Especially the conference report and series of important speeches delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping,Extremely political、Ideological、Theoretical and work guidance。We must study seriously、Profound understanding、Accurately grasp its spiritual essence。

Qin Gang emphasized,We must accurately grasp the significance bc.game review 2024 work bc.game review 2024 past five years and the great changes bc.game review 2024 ten years in the new era、Accurately grasp the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era、Accurately grasp the mission and task of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation bc.game review 2024 Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization、Accurately grasp the important requirements of leading the great social revolution with great self-revolution、Accurately grasp the requirements bc.game review 2024 times for united struggle。

Qin Gang requested,Earnestly study, publicize and implement the spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Party,To improve political standing,Comprehensively and accurately study and understand the spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Party。Must be carefully organized and promoted,In-depth study and publicity bc.game review 2024 spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Party。We must adhere to the unity of knowledge and action,Promote the implementation bc.game review 2024 spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Party in the company。We must strengthen organizational leadership,Strive to improve the effectiveness of learning, publicity and implementation。

Focusing on studying and implementing the spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Party,Based on the current situation and tasks facing the company,Qin Gang put forward requirements for the company’s next work。He pointed out,We must resolutely implement the requirements bc.game review 2024 Construction Investment Group ideologically,At work, we must quickly connect with relevant lines bc.game review 2024 group,In terms of philosophy, we must proactively integrate into the group’s corporate culture,Resonating with the group in all aspects,Integrate into the group’s management system as soon as possible、Business System、Institutional system、Cultural system,Boost energy,Get a good start,Submit an excellent report card to the group,Never let down the major development opportunities given to the company by the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government and Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission。

Li Qiang put forward three requirements for studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit bc.game review 2024 20th National Congress bc.game review 2024 Party,First, persist in learning and understanding,Focus on the spiritual essence;Second, insist on speaking well and lively,Strive to build ideological consensus;The third is to persist in taking action and getting results,Strive to promote high-quality development。

(Hebei bc.game review 2024 Gao YixinFeed)