Xuanhua Thermal Power Company organized a special lecture on studying and implementing the spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-01-16

To comprehensively and accurately explain the spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party,The rise of learning, publicity and implementation craze,Guide the company’s cadres and workers to unify their thoughts and actions into the spirit bc.game poker meeting,January 13,Xuanhua Thermal Power Company organized a special lecture on studying and implementing the spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party,Company Party Committee Secretary、General Manager Li Yongqiang gave a special speech。The lecture will be held in the form of video conference,Company leadership、All middle managers attended。Member bc.game poker company party committee、Deputy General Manager Yang Yuqun presided over the meeting。

Information meeting,Li Yongqiang focuses closely on the themes and main achievements bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party、The work bc.game poker past five years and the great changes in the new era in the ten years、Marxism in China and the times、Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization、The goals and tasks of comprehensively building a modern socialist country、Upholding the Party’s overall leadership and comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and other important contents,A profound explanation bc.game poker spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party,At the same time, we also mobilized and deployed the next phase of work。

Li Yongqiang pointed out,Studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party is the primary political task at present and in the future,Party branches bc.game poker company、All party members and cadres must study and understand seriously,Lead and drive all employees to develop the company,Focusing closely on the "Management Improvement Year",Taking the creation of high-tech enterprises as an opportunity,Establish and improve the five major cost management systems and improve the labor productivity of all employees,Planning a new integration of party and government cadres and masses、New achievements in scientific and technological innovation、New breakthrough in upgrading and transformation、Four new situations with new connotations of corporate culture,Strive to build political excellence、Innovation driven、Management improvement、A state-owned enterprise seeking progress while maintaining stability。

Li Yongqiang made four demands,First, consolidate party building responsibilities。Learning through the Theory Center Group、First issue、Three meetings and one lesson,Leverage the Party Committee and Party School、Party Building Classroom,Study well、Good publicity、Implement the spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party,Promote the interaction between party spirit education and central work。The second is to plan technological innovation。Actively study and judge new national policies、New direction bc.game poker industry,Using information construction as a platform,Promote R&D investment in “three years”、Implementation bc.game poker special action "Five Years Strong",Increase investment in R&D,Accelerate the creation of technological backbone enterprises。The third is to promote transformation and upgrading。Promote the construction of data center,Improve the company’s digital intelligence level;Adhere to performance appraisal orientation,Promote the implementation of value management,Coordinate the improvement of corporate governance and professional management capabilities,Relying on innovation to drive high-quality development bc.game poker company。The fourth is to create a harmonious environment。Coordinate power、Heating、Balance of three fuel stocks,Make good electricity、Reliable supply and guarantee of heat and other livelihood factors;Empowering “culture integration” with new connotations,Optimize personnel structure,Strengthen talent training,Create a harmonious and progressive corporate development environment。

Yang Yuqun put forward three opinions on studying and implementing the spirit of this meeting,First, improve political position,Highlight political orientation。Party branches bc.game poker company、All departments must effectively enhance their ideological consciousness in studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party,Insist on comprehensiveness and accuracy,In-depth understanding bc.game poker connotation,Accurate grasp of extension,Ensure the smooth realization of all learning and publicity tasks。The second is to go deep into the grassroots and front line,Carry out solid propaganda。With the company party committee and party school、Party lecture hall as the carrier,Further enrich the content bc.game poker presentation,Innovative presentation methods,Strengthen the effect of publicity,Members bc.game poker company’s leadership team must go deep into the grassroots to carry out propaganda activities,Effectively promote learning and publicity at the grassroots level、Join the team,Promote frontline cadres and workers to have a deep understanding bc.game poker spirit bc.game poker 20th National Congress bc.game poker Party,Ensure the implementation of learning promotion。The third is to persist in applying what you have learned,Spread positive energy。Closely connect with the current company’s central tasks and actual production and operation,Taking the “Management Improvement Year” as an opportunity,Observe reality、Promote work,Translate learning results into work motivation and effectiveness,Continuously play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members,Unite and lead all employees to work hard,Move forward bravely,Fully promote the completion bc.game poker company’s annual goals and tasks。

(Xuanhua Thermal Power Company Contributed by Feng Xiuyan)