JIC Urbanization Company carries out in-depth propaganda on the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bc.game casino Time: 2023-01-17

In order to thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party,Promote party organizations at all levels in the company system and the majority of party members, cadres and workers to unify their thoughts and actions into the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party,According to the unified arrangement bc.game casino company’s party committee,Recent,Members bc.game casino leadership team bc.game casino urbanization company went deep into the enterprise to preach the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party。

9 members bc.game casino company’s leadership team were connected via video in conjunction with their assigned work、Conducted discussions and lectures with 10 companies in the company system by going deep into the grassroots and front lines,Guide cadres and workers to truly understand the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party,Rapidly set off an upsurge in the company’s system to study, publicize and implement the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party。The preaching report closely follows the theme bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party,Core Essentials,The report combines the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Communist Party of China with the specific practices of completing the company's key tasks and goals and the company's reform and development,Propose specific work requirements based on the characteristics of each company,Strongly promote the company system to refine the results of studying and implementing the spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Party into measures、Realized into action,Promote the implementation and deepening bc.game casino spirit bc.game casino 20th National Congress bc.game casino Communist Party of China in the urbanization company system,See results。

(builtContributed by Investment Urbanization Company)