Qinre Power Generation Company received a letter of thanks from the Haigang District Branch of Qinhuangdao Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau
bc.game review 2024 Source: bc.game casino review Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-02-20

2Month 19th,Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Qinhuangdao Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau Seaport District Branch、Director He Long,Deputy Director Tian Yu and a group of six people sent a message to "join hands to protect air quality"、Build a good business environment together” plaque and thank you letter,I would like to express my gratitude to Qinre Power Generation Company for its positive contribution to the economic and social bc.game casino development bc.game and air pollution prevention and control of Qinhuangdao Haigang District。

He Long praised Qinre Power Generation Company for its courage to take on the responsibility、Willing to give、True Action,Proactively shoulder the mission of state-owned enterprises,Insist on integrating into the place、Service place、Contribute place,Comprehensively fulfill the main responsibility of pollution prevention and control,Solidly promote environmental protection performance creation A、Diversified adaptive transformation bc.game poker bc.game casino of circulating fluidized bed boilers and other environmental management work,Rated as an A-level environmental protection performance enterprise by the Hebei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment。He Long pointed out,Qinre Power Generation Company shows its responsibility in the prevention and control of air pollution in Qinhuangdao,Making positive contributions to improving the city’s ambient air quality and building a good business environment。At the same time,The Harbor Branch will highly unify the bc.game casino review bc.game poker work style construction with the spirit of the Hebei Province Optimizing Business Environment Conference,Continue to protect the enterprise,Provide assistance services,And on behalf of the Hebei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Qinre Power Generation Company was awarded the plaque of "Hebei Provincial Key Industries Environmental Protection Performance Class A Enterprise"。

Li Kezhang, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Qinre Power Generation CompanyDirector He Long and his partyMy heartfelt thanks,Said bc.game casino review bc.game casino review that in 2024, it will continue to do a good job in various environmental protection management tasks,Support and participate in air pollution prevention and control work with practical actions,Strive to be a practitioner of ecological civilization ideas、Strive to be a pioneer,In order to continuously improve the quality of Qinhuangdao CityMaking new and greater contributions to environmental quality

                                    (Contributed by Zhao Kai of Qinre Power Generation Company)