& ldquo; Xin & rdquo;
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-03-15

Recent,Cangzhou supply drainage business company successively received a number of praise work orders from the 12345 hotline and the public opinion platform,Bate in the words is the full trust and recognition of the people's water supply service work,It is even more heavy responsibility。

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Recent,12345 Government Services Hotline to send a different job list,Mr. Gao, a villager bc.game poker bc.game casino in Yang Guantun Village, expressed his deep gratitude to the staff of Cangzhou supply drainage business company。

I know,On February 18th, the business management section of the business company found that the night traffic of Yang Guantun was higher than the times when the data was compared with the electromagnetic meter.,Suspected that there is a leakage point in the village branch line or the phenomenon of running water in the villagers' homes。So the first time the school nuclear table was distributed to the business office of the development zone,Timely organize the strength to go to the scene to launch a carpet -type inspection。Inspection found that there is a water overflow inside a surface well,The water meter in the well in the well rotates evenly quickly,Basically determined to run water after the residents。bc.game live casino bc.game poker To prevent users from causing more losses,Staff immediately contact the residents。

Originally, the resident of the household did not return to the village for several months,Don’t turn off the water total valve when leaving,Damage to the faucet in the home causes running water。"If it wasn't for the notification of drainage,My family don’t know how much water to run,Thanks for their hard work,Let my family stop loss in time ",Mr. Gao said excitedly。

It is reported,To reduce the leakage of the urban water supply pipe network,Ensure that residents' water supply safety,The company makes full use of the "Thousand Mile Eyes" in the smart water platform -smart electromagnetic water meter,Real -time monitoring of regional pressure and traffic data,It will return the data and school nuclear table、bc.game poker bc.game live casino Data analysis accounts of the billing table for abnormal data,Comparison analysis through "Smart Brain",Timely discover the hidden dangers of the area peripheral,and report to the staff in the form of a work order,Guide staff can carry out targeted hidden danger investigation work。Since 2024,"Thousand Miles Eyes"+"Smart Brain" has found more than 80 leakage points,Make a huge contribution to the company's low production and sales difference and improve the level of user service。

"Responsible"+"Temperature" makes the masses more at ease with water

Recent,The Lunxi Business Office has received a commendation work order from the Sunshine Political Platform and the 12345 Government Services Hotline Platform,Commend the staff's professional and detailed work style and enthusiastic bc.game app Responsible work attitude。The few bc.game app words on the work bc.game review 2024 order are affirmed and encouraged by the service of front -line staff,Makes people feel warm。

It is understood,Liu Zhen, the head of the West Five District, led the team to deal with the "low water pressure" problem work order,During field pressure visits for low water pressure users in each community,It is found that there is a problem of aging rust and blocking in a water facilities in a Netcom community in the home of the Netcom community,It affects the normal water use of users。Because it is difficult to replace the facilities at home alone,and at that time, it was 22 o'clock at that time.,Liu Zhen and others took the initiative to buy new pipes the next morning,Obligations to replace the elderly,Successfully solved the problem of user water pressure。The old man is enthusiastic bc.game casino review about our company's staff、bc.game app Responsible work attitude is very recognized,Special calling the 12345 hotline platform expresses the gratitude,and proposed praise。Visit the field visits through multiple communities on the same day,Solve the water pressure problem for 12 residents。

Unique occasional,Ms. Wang, who lives in the Century Fu Misu, also experienced and felt the speed and enthusiasm of Cangzhou for drainage。When the staff handles Ms. Wang’s work order,Quickly implement,On -site help to investigate water use facilities,Efficient solving the problem of abnormal water volume,Ms. Wang specifically commented on the platform to express thanks。"Quality is better than Hua、Watch than saying ",Cangshui people practice "responsible and temperature" corporate culture concept with practical actions,Solve the problem bc.game review 2024 bc.game casino of the "urgency and sorrow" of the masses with heart and emotions,RealEnhance the happiness and satisfaction of residents.

An praise letter sealed,Is affirmation and encouragement,It is even more responsible and motivated。New year,Cangzhou water supply drainage will be full of "faith" and then departure,Protect the safety of water for the people。

(Cangzhou Supply Drainage Company Yang Qian Liu Hongyan Wang Zhengyao Supply)