Smart agriculture hosted by Jiantou Xiongan Company、Safety emergency and Beidou three major fields bc game promo code scenario creation matchmaking meeting successfully completed
Source: bc game promo code Group Time: 2024-03-22

2024March 12-14,Xiong’an Future City Scenario Smart Agriculture、Safety emergency and Beidou three major field bc game promo code scenario creation matchmaking conferences were successfully held in Jinhu Future City。The three docking meetings were held by the Xiongan Future City Scenario Exhibition Organizing Committee Office and the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs、Provincial Emergency Management Department、Organized by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission,Related scene construction demand unit、Investment institution、Participating scientific and technological innovation companies and teams participating。The meeting was hosted by the Director of the Xiongan Future City Scenario Exhibition Organizing Committee Office、Presided over by Wu Haijun, Executive Deputy Director of the Xiongan Office of the Hebei Provincial Committee,Zheng Hongwei, Level 2 Inspector of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs、Han Jianbo, Deputy Director of the Provincial Emergency Department、Liu Quanwen, the second-level inspector of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, attended respectively。

To promote Xiongan’s future scenarios,Enhancing the appeal of Beijing’s non-capital function decentralization,Build Xiongan New Area into a city of innovation、Charming City、City of the Future,The Xiongan Future City Scenario Collection Organizing Committee launched the Xiongan Beidou bc game promo code Competition in December 2023、Xiongan Underground Space Safety Emergency bc game promo code Competition、Xiongan Plant Factory bc game promo code Competition、Xiongan Unmanned Farm bc game promo code Competition and other 9 scenario competitions,Aimed through contest format,Let outstanding scientific and technological innovation achievements surface,Application in Xiongan,Create a batch of demonstration scenes,Accelerate the cultivation of new productive forces,Gathering momentum for the high-standard and high-quality construction of Xiongan New Area。

At the smart agriculture scene creation matchmaking conference,bc game promo code Public ServicesRelevant person in charge of the bureau、Plant factory and unmanned farm technical experts and teams discuss how to apply cutting-edge bc game promo code to the agricultural development of Xiongan New Area。Industry enterprise representatives created and promoted their high-tech technologies around the smart agriculture scene in Xiongan New Area、Product、Equipment and Solutions。

At the security emergency bc game promo code scenario creation matchmaking meeting,Representatives of the scene construction unit released the requirements for Xiongan underground space and Hebei related safety emergency scenes,Representatives of participating companies and teams demonstrated the latest technology、Equipment, etc.,Expressed willingness to actively meet the needs of Xiongan New Area,Contribute to Xiongan underground space safety emergency construction。

At the Beidou bc game promo code scenario matching meeting,Each scenario construction unit introduced the requirements of Beidou bc game promo code scenarios in turn。Representatives of high-precision Beidou technology R&D companies and teams from across the country introduced their respective R&D directions、Participating projects and sharing the latest development results, application cases and practical experience of Beidou technology,Demonstrates Beidou technology improving urban management level、Optimize transportation methods、Remarkable achievements in ensuring public safety and other aspects。

Wu Haijun said at the matchmaking meeting,Participating companies and teams are welcome to come up with bc game promo code products that represent the future,In-depth participation in the creation of Xiongan’s future scene,Go to Xiongan to start a business and develop。The organizing committee office will cooperate with Xiongan New District、Relevant provincial departments、Related construction units,Provide achievement incubation for enterprises and teams that have landed and developed in Xiongan、Transformation and industrial development support。

The holding of 9 Xiongan Future City Scenario Competitions will help promote technological innovation and the cultivation of new productivity in bc game promo code、Safe and resilient city construction、Smart city construction、The development of green ecological agriculture is of great significance。As one of the main organizers of this scene event,The Jinhu Future City project developed by Hebei Construction Investment Xiongan Company is one of the first batch of market-oriented projects in the new area,Within the planning scope of the free trade zone,It is the largest in the new area、The most comprehensive business formats、The project with the most supporting functions。Jinhu Future City will actively undertake the implementation of various scientific and technological enterprises and teams,Use professional conference services、Shared Roadshow Center、Conference Lecture Hall、Owner’s Smart Restaurant、Boutique high-end apartment、High-quality housing and other supporting facilities,Promote the healthy and rapid incubation and growth of settled enterprises,Work together to support the high-quality development of bc game promo code。

(Contributed by Jiantou Xiongan bc game promo code)