Implementation of comprehensive and strategic implementation of national water -saving operations & mdash; & mdash; Hebei Jianchu Water Company held the 32nd & ldquo; World Water Day & RDQUO; Theme Volunteer Service Activity
Source: app Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-03-25

In the 32nd "World Water Day" in 2024、The 37th "China Water Week" is coming,The representative of the Volunteer Service Team of the app Hebei Construction Investment Water Company was invited to participate in the joint operation of the 2024 "Water Conservation China" joint operation and the launching ceremony of the water -saving volunteer service activity in Hebei。In the event,Company Volunteer Service Team was awarded the title of "2023 Water -saving Volunteer Service Team in Hebei Province"。The company will cherish honor,Repeat it,Give full play to the leading role of the excellent water -saving volunteer service team,Carry out various forms of water -saving water care promotional activities,Create a wide live casino range casino review of influence、Specialty water -saving water protection volunteer service brand,Establish an excellent corporate brand,Telling water culture stories。


During the period,Companies of systems affiliated to cities in the province link at the same time,Hold a variety of volunteer service activities。Cangzhou Drainage Company organized the "popular science class to enter the campus"、"Student Visit the Water inlet Plant"、"Volunteer Service Enter the Community"、"Internet Answers Entry Team" and other wonderful water -saving publicity series activities,Further promote the construction of water -saving cities,Improve the love of the whole people、Xi Shui、Water protection consciousness。More than 3,000 copies of publicity materials,Solve the problem of water usage nearly 40 on -site,At the same time through the corporate WeChat public account、Website promotional water saving knowledge,Hanging 21 publicity banners and 10 electronic displays rolling publicity slogans,Created a good atmosphere of water -saving water。

3month 22,Caofeidian Water Supply Company joined hands with Qinghong to test the Tangshan Branch at Tangshan Industrial Vocational and Technical College to carry out the theme promotional activity of "Cherish the Water Source from Me"。Volunteers distribute the water -saving live casino manual casino while distributing the water -saving manual,On the one hand, actively popularize water conservation common sense for students,The company's professional water quality test personnel patiently answer students' questions。Students actively participate in water -saving answers,Communicate daily water -saving behavior。Event last,Volunteers distribute water -saving commemorative gifts for students,Call everyone to cherish water in life、Water -saving。Next,Caofeidian Water Supply Company will continue to actively carry out public welfare activities of cherish water protection,Call more people to participate in the actual action of cherishing water resources。

3month 21,Langfang Qingquan Water Supply Company walked into Langfang City Ling Air Economic Zone for the first time to carry out theme publicity activities,The event site is set up by setting water consultation points、Publicity Ship、Labels banner and issue a publicity manual to the masses、Policy documents, etc.,Call for everyone to cherish water care resources,Enhance the masses' love water、Water protection、Water -saving consciousness,and answer the water use questions raised one by one。Staff also penetrates the Chinese Medicine Industry Zone、Aviation Town、Linking Service Center、Air Fire Station and other important live casino customers casino to visit,Field understanding of water needs and solving problems on the spot。At the same time,Langfang Qingquan Water Supply Service Hall also organized publicity activities,The atmosphere of the event scene is warm。


3March 20,Construction Investment Heng Water Affairs Company carefully organized customer service center、The business center set up a consultation desk in front of the business hall and in six residential communities,Suspension banner、On -site explanation、Release the promotion page and other forms,Promote the current status of water resources to the citizens、Family water -saving knowledge, etc.,Improve public water saving consciousness,A total of more than 600 copies of publicity materials were distributed at the scene,Accept more than 300 people。"World Water Day" on the same day,The company also carries out large -scale casino water -saving promotion activities with the Municipal Water Save Office and other units。

To make more people firmly establish awareness of water and water,Commonly practicing the concept of water saving,March 22,Jiaotou Sand River Water Supply Company carried out "carefully calculates the use of water resources,Strictly follow the fine pipe and good water resources "theme publicity activities。In the event,Company Organization Volunteers Entering Twenty app review 2024 Metallurgical Street Heart Park,Passing the pedestrian water -saving water care leaflets and actively popularize the common sense of water saving water。At the same time,Volunteers explain to the masses to explain the protection of water resources、Water Environmental Protection Policy and Regulations,Patient introduces the importance of water saving and family water saving tips,Encourage the masses to improve water efficiency from science、Turn off the faucet、Time to close the daily life details of the valve and other daily details when not at home for a long time,Develop saving water、Good habits of reasonable water,The concept of the envoys of the section of water is deeply rooted in the people's hearts,Promote the formation of a good atmosphere for the formation of the whole people to promote water -saving,Make a contribution to promoting the construction of urban civilization。

3month 22,Xinji Construction Investment Water Co., Ltd. organized a "saving water,Sharing Civilization "theme publicity activities。In the event,Everyone watched the documentary "Valuable Treasure-Erhai Rebirth",Passing the concept of ecological civilization construction and protecting water resources; subsequent,Everyone has learned the "Regulations for Save Water" recently released,Share a little trick for casino review water saving water,Strengthening casino water -saving promotion and popularization of science。Publicity activities,further promoted the company's employees to establish water -saving consciousness、Practice water -saving operation。

3month 22,Beijing Huitian Operation and Maintenance Company held "one drop of water per person,Da Ai Huizheng River "theme series promotional activities。The event first watched the World Water Day Propaganda,Learn about the 32nd World Water Day "Water For Peace" (promoting peace with water)、37th China Water Week "Details and uses good water resources,The theme of the activity of the activity of strict pipes and good water resources,Popularize the current status of water resources around the world。Subsequent,Organization announced "Classification of Water"、"How to reasonably save water resources" and other knowledge。All employees of the company are discussing enthusiastically,One after another said that it is necessary to protect water resources with actual actions,Practice high -quality development of water resources、Collection Safety Utilities。

3month 22,涿,Caring Life "is the theme of casino water -saving promotional activities。Activity site,Hanging slogan banner,Establishing a Publicity Consultation Office,Explain the knowledge of water -saving water care for the past citizens app and surrounding merchants,Mobilize users to learn more about daily water and family water saving common sense,and distributed more than a thousand announcements,Involved in payment methods and outlets、Added water newspapers to make detailed operating guidelines for new water newspapers;、Water pressure、Tolls and other questions,Extend the high -quality service to the water household。

To further promote national water -saving operations,Improve the conceptual consciousness and civilization literacy of the whole people,Jianjun Nanbao Water Supply Company Party Branch Organizing Party Volunteer Volunteer Establishing in the Sanyou Life Area to carry out casino water -saving promotional activities,Publish a water -saving manual to the community residents,Popularized family water conservation knowledge,Promote community residents to consciously establish "Start with me,Starting from home "concept of saving water,Develop a good habit of saving water,Practice national water -saving operation with practical actions,Contribute to the protection of water resources。

                                      (Supply of app Hebei Construction Investment Water Supply Company)