Hanhuang Railway opened“Caozhuang Town Station-Vietnam”New channel for trains to help the development of logistics industry in Handan region
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-05-27

5Month 26th,With the long roar of a train,The first "Jize Caozhuang Town Station-Zhengzhou Bureau Putian Station-Hanoi, Vietnam" train slowly bc.game live casino bc.game review 2024 departed from Caozhuang Town Station of Han-Huang Railway,Estimated to travel more than 2,500 kilometers and arrive in Hanoi, Vietnam in 7 days。It is reported,This train mainly carries goods such as rubber flooring and fasteners produced by surrounding companies in Jize County, Handan。After normal listing,This train will gradually achieve continuous and normal operation。

Caozhuang Town Station of Handan-Huangzhou Railway is located in Jize County, Handan, the hinterland of central and southern Hebei Province,Casting and equipment manufacturing in surrounding areas、The textile industry and other industries are developed。In recent years,Hanhuang Railway Company bc.game casino bc game sportsbook review actively strengthens cooperation with Handan Jize Bonded Logistics Service Center,Opened on September 20, 202120、40-foot container business,Together with Handan City、Jize County Government,Strive to create an important node location with "Jize Logistics Center + Caozhuang Town Station",The development advantage of using Hanhuang Railway as the logistics collection and distribution chain,Work together to provide refined services to enterprises,Effectively reduce the logistics costs of physical enterprises in the region,Create portability in the area、Efficient logistics nodes and channels,Attracting the supply of goods from surrounding characteristic bc.game casino bc.game review 2024 industries,Promoted the "road-to-rail" transportation of bulk goods,Promoted the development of regional industrial economy。

 Hanhuang Railway is a regional trunk railway controlled by Hebei Province,Always implement the national “Belt and Road” development strategy,With Handan City、Jize County government and shipping companies actively promote the opening of trains,The transportation period of the goods is shortened from the original 15 days to 7 days,Greatly shortened the delivery cycle,Acquired recognition and trust from customers。The launch of the first "Jize Caozhuang Town Station-Hanoi, Vietnam" train,It is the Han-Huang Railway that actively integrates bc game sportsbook review bc.game casino and serves the “Belt and Road” construction,Innovative "road-to-rail" logistics products,Open up multimodal logistics channels,High standards、High level、An important measure to promote the industrial and economic development of central and southern Hebei with high quality,Products from this region will be shipped overseas,Entering the Southeast Asian market,Provide efficient and smooth cross-border trade logistics channels,Opening the region to a high level、High-quality development injects stronger impetus。

Future,Hanhuang Railway Company will follow the unified deployment requirements of Hebei Construction Communications Investment bc game sportsbook review bc.game live casino Company,Deeply promote the adjustment of cargo source structure and the development of white goods container transportation,Actively explore more new transportation modes and cooperation methods,Continue to strengthen cooperation with the Handan region and governments at all levels along the line、Scale Enterprise、Communication and cooperation in logistics park,Actively explore the opening of "One Belt, One Road" freight collection and direct services,Proactively provide convenience to central and southern Hebei region、Efficient cross-border logistics channel,Better serve the high-quality development of regional industrial economy。

                                      (Contributed bc.game review 2024 by bc game sportsbook review Han-Huang Railway Company, Chen Shijie and Liu Jingyu)