Hebei Construction Investment and Xing bc game bonus code are fully connected
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bc game bonus code Time: 2021-08-23

8month7Sunday morning8hour58points,With the roar of the last blast,Hexing bc game bonus code Tianheshan Tunnel at the end3.1One meter shot penetrated! The Tianheshan bc game bonus code has been fully connected!This marks the completion of the entire Hexing bc game bonus code,It is planned to be officially completed and opened to traffic by the end of this year。

Tianheshan Tunnel is the most important part of the Hexing bc game bonus code ProjectLarge control project, full length of bc game bonus code11.69km,Across Shanxi and Hebei provinces,Crossing the Taihang Mountains,is a single-line extra-long bc game bonus code,The maximum burial depth is615m, passing through the bc game bonus code fault zone24items,Poor geological conditions。National bc game bonus code Group Industrial Management Center、China bc game bonus code Beijing Group Corporation has organized on-site consultations and studies with experts on many occasions,Currently under construction across the country3800In multiple bc game bonus code tunnels,Rating the construction difficulty of Tianheshan Tunnel as “Third in the country,No. 1 in the North”。

Due to geological reasons,Since the bc game bonus code construction started,The working surface of the main bc game bonus code collapsed multiple times,Long term water and mud surge,The maximum water output in a single day has been reached710,000cubic meters, the bc game bonus code process is full of difficultiesTo solve the construction difficulties of Tianheshan Tunnel、Slow progress problem,He-Xing bc game bonus code develops a scientific and reasonable work plan,Use of technology,Solve on-site problems,On the one hand, give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress、The vanguard and exemplary role of party members,Establish a party member vanguard team,Mobilize the forces of all parties,Fully promote the progress of the project。

I bc game bonus code go first when the difficulty arises.2019bc game bonus code6month11日,Hexing bc game bonus code Company established the Tianheshan Tunnel Party Member Pioneer Team,Give full play to the company’s party members、Advanced youth and backbone force,Take root in the mountains,Jiangong Tunnel,Strive to promote all participating units to solve problems、Breakthrough the problem. How long does it take to build a bc game bonus code5Year,Learn professional skills with all employees of Xing bc game bonus code、Improve working methods、Hone your will and quality,Forged an iron-clad force、The iron army who is not afraid of difficulties。

Determine the bc game bonus code scientifically and rationally.In order to solve engineering problems, the bc game bonus code has organized expert analysis meetings many times,80Mr. Shi Yuxin, a national design master who is 6 years old,Experts such as Director Zhang Minqing, a bridge and tunnel expert from the bc game bonus code General Engineering Management Center, have gone deep into the tunnel many times,Conduct on-site research,Proposed a lot of important guidance,Based on opinion,Hexing bc game bonus code promotes design changes in a timely manner,Adjust work plan,Ensure the smooth progress of construction。

Apply bc game bonus code and technological means.In solving the problem of breaking through the geological fault zone,The company actively promotes the application of scientific and technological means。Requiring bc game bonus code and design units to adoptTSPAdvanced forecast、Geo-radar monitoring、Infrared water detection and other measures to strengthen prediction,And use advanced curtain grouting and full-section radial grouting technology in difficult sections,Enhance security,Also ensures effective breakthrough of geological faults。The company also introduced Beijing Jiaotong University、Shijiazhuang bc game bonus code University and other units,Carry out third-party technology monitoring services。Co-initiated multiple scientific research projects with Beijing Jiaotong University,Currently published papers in core journals6article, obtained bc game bonus code patent3Item.

Full length of Hexing bc game bonus code142.4Kilometers,From Heshun County, Shanxi Province in the west,East to Xindu District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province,After merging with the Beijing-Guangzhou bc game bonus code and the Han (Dan) Xing (Taiwan) Huang (Huang Port) bc game bonus code, it will be extended eastward to Cangzhou Huanghua Port。All employees of Hexing Company will continue to work in the bc game bonus code company、Under the strong leadership of the Jiantou Transportation Party Committee,Continue to overcome difficulties,Strive to achieve the goal of opening the entire line to traffic by the end of the year。