Hebei Construction Investment Group held a 2023 work conference on in-depth promotion of comprehensive and strict bc.game promo code governance, strengthening bc.game promo code style and clean government construction and anti-corruption
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bc.game promo code Time: 2023-03-03

2Month 17th,Hebei Construction Investment Group held a 2023 work conference on in-depth promotion of comprehensive and strict bc.game promo code governance, strengthening bc.game promo code style and clean government construction and anti-corruption。Members of the group leadership team,Full-time outside director,Mid-level managers and above in the headquarters,Direct management company、The main responsible comrades of the bc.game promo code and government of the relocation company andDisciplinary inspection and supervision workResponsible person,The main responsible comrades of the bc.game promo code and government of important third-level companies attended the meeting at the main venue,Direct management company、Members of important third-level company leadership team,bc.game promo code affairs、The head of the disciplinary inspection department attended the meeting at the branch venue。

Deputy Secretary of the Group bc.game promo code Committee and Director Lin ShiyanGather the heart and soul, strengthen the foundation, and continuously create a new situation in the bc.game promo code building work of the group system》Speech on the topicLin ShiyanPoint out,2022Year, Group bc.game promo code CommitteeStrengthen theoretical arms,Stick to the right direction of high-quality development;Do a good job in organizational building,Provide organizational guarantee for high-quality development;Promote value leadership,Provide strong impetus for high-quality development;Coordinate mass bc.game promo code and united front work,Gathering efforts for high-quality development。The Group’s bc.game promo code building work has achieved remarkable results,A solid step has been taken to lead and ensure the high-quality development of enterprises with high-quality bc.game promo code building。2023,The bc.game promo code building work of the group system must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,In-depth study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the bc.game promo code,In accordance with the work ideas determined by the Eighth Plenary Session of the First Session of the bc.game promo code Committee of the Group,Closely focus on the group’s development strategy,Strengthen theoretical arms,Effectively use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to unite our hearts and souls;Strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations,Play the role of grassroots organizations as battle fortress;Insist on pioneering and innovation,Promote the bc.game promo code’s propaganda and ideological work to show a new look;Focus on the creation of civilized units,Promote the bc.game promo code’s civilized culture to achieve greater success;Focus on missions,Promote the bc.game promo code’s united front and mass work to open a new chapter。

Member of the Standing Committee of the Group bc.game promo code Committee、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission、Wang Chundong, Supervisor of the Provincial Supervisory Committee in the Construction Investment GrouptoComprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist bc.game promo code of China and promote good conduct, discipline and anti-corruption with political consciousness that is always on the road"Giving a speech on the topic, he pointed out,2022Year,The group bc.game promo code committee has taken the lead to tighten the political responsibility of managing and governing the bc.game promo code,Comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code has achieved new results。Discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels of the group give full play to their supervision and ensure implementation around the overall reform and development of the group、Promote and improve the role of development,Systematic treatment,Promote "Three Non-corruptions" in one piece,Continue to correct the "four trends",New progress has been made in building a clean government and anti-corruption。

Wang Chuntong requested,2023Year,We must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,In-depth implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the bc.game promo code,Resolutely implement the bc.game promo code’s strategic deployment of self-revolution and the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the bc.game promo code,Conscientiously implement the task requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the bc.game promo code system,In-depth promotion of high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work。Highlight the main line of comprehensively and thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist bc.game promo code of China,Implement strong political supervision,Provide a solid foundation for the group’s reform and development;Faithfully perform supervisory duties,Improving the supervision system,Explore supervision methods that meet the characteristics of construction investment,Improve supervision efficiency;Grasp the basic laws of the fight against corruption,Adhere to unified advancement and dare not be corrupt、Cannot be corrupted、Don’t want to be corrupt,Leverage comprehensive effectiveness in combating corruption;Analysis of the stubborn and repetitive characteristics of style problems,Build a strong spiritual dam in the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee,Leading the group’s bc.game promo code and government conduct to continue to improve;Intrinsic requirements for high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work,Strengthen the fighting spirit and the achievements of fighting spirit,Building political excellence、A highly capable disciplinary inspection and supervision team,To build the group into a politically strong person、Outstanding performance、Innovation promotion、A first-class state-owned capital investment company with modern governance provides strong political guarantee。

Mi Dabin, Secretary of the bc.game promo code Committee and Chairman of the GroupUnswervingly and deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code to provide guidance and guarantee for writing a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Hebei Scene Construction Investment》Make a concluding speech on the topic.Mi Dabin requested, wantsIn accordance with the group bc.game promo code committee、Arrangements and requirements of the Group Discipline Inspection Commission,Strengthen implementation responsibilities,Do your job well,Continuously promote the group’s comprehensive and strict bc.game promo code governance。

Mi Dabin pointed out,2022,The Group’s leading and ensuring role in comprehensively and strictly administering the bc.game promo code is more clearly demonstrated, the group system has steadily advanced the work of comprehensively and strictly administering the bc.game promo code.Improving the system establishment process,Continuously strengthen theoretical weapons;Grasp the grassroots to lay the foundation,Improving the quality of the bc.game promo code’s work;Refined tasks and clear requirements,Tighten the responsibility to strictly govern the bc.game promo code in an all-round way;Continue to uphold integrity and discipline,Effectively improve the efficiency of supervision and governance;High standards and strict requirements,Create a team of excellent cadres and talents;Focus on integration and seek practical results,Leading the high-quality development of the Guarantee Group and achieving remarkable results。

Mi Dabin emphasized that it is necessaryIn-depth understanding of the situation and tasks faced by the group in comprehensively and strictly administering the bc.game promo code, Enhance the initiative to do a good job in all aspects of bc.game promo code building。

We must deeply understand and grasp the new arrangements and requirements for bc.game promo code building made by the 20th National Congress of the Communist bc.game promo code of China,Effectively enhance the political consciousness of unswervingly advancing comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code;We must deeply grasp the new situation and new tasks faced by the group’s reform and development,Effectively strengthen the responsibility to ensure the high-quality development of enterprises through high-quality bc.game promo code building;We must deeply grasp the new problems and challenges faced by bc.game promo code building work in the new era,Effectively enhance problem discovery、The fighting spirit and fighting ability to solve problems;We must have a deep understanding of the major propositions to solve the unique problems of the major parties,Enhance the confidence and courage for complete self-revolution;We must have a deep understanding of the task requirements of improving the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the bc.game promo code,Improve the group system based on the actual situation of the enterprise;We must deeply understand the new requirements for comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code in the new era and new journey to achieve the company's goals,In-depth understanding of the company’s new situation and tasks of comprehensively and strictly administering the bc.game promo code,With a thorough self-revolutionary spirit,Unswervingly focus on building a clean and honest government,Winning the tough and protracted battle against corruption。

Mi Dabin requested,We must fully implement the general requirements for bc.game promo code building in the new era,Unswervingly advance the group’s comprehensive and strict bc.game promo code governance。One isHighlight political leadership and unswervingly strengthen theoretical arming.bc.game promo code organizations at all levels in the group system must thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the bc.game promo code,Persevere in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to focus the mind and forge the soul。Carefully organize and implement the bc.game promo code’s innovative theory learning and education plan,Strengthen various forms of propaganda,Carry out in-depth theme education,Comprehensively strengthen the bc.game promo code’s ideological construction,Consolidate and deepen the results of bc.game promo code history study and education,Persist in unifying our thinking with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era、Unified Will、Unified Action,Promote the transformation of this important idea into a firm ideal、Tempering bc.game promo code spirit and guiding practice、A powerful force that drives work。The second isStrengthen organizational security,Continuously improve the quality of the bc.game promo code’s work in the group system。We must adhere to the clear direction of focusing on the grassroots,Enhancing the political and organizational functions of bc.game promo code organizations,Comprehensively improve the quality of grassroots bc.game promo code building work;We must accurately grasp the new situation and new tasks we face,Suppress and consolidate the ideological work responsibility system,Focus on educating people with socialist core values,Earnestly do all the work to create a civilized unit,Comprehensively improve the level and effectiveness of the group’s internal and external publicity work;Insist on wholeheartedly relying on the working class to run enterprises,Insist on and improve the democratic management system with the Workers’ Congress as the basic form;Insist on treating youth work as a strategic task;Firmly grasp the theme of the times of unity and struggle,Systematic planning of the group’s united front work,Gathering people’s hearts to promote the reform and development of the group、Gathering strength。Three isAdhere to talent-oriented,Create a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible。Establish a correct employment orientation,Implementing the standards for good cadres in the new era,Create a high-quality and professional team of cadres and talents;We must strengthen the concept of full-cycle talent management,We must give full play to the role of the Jiantou bc.game promo code School,Strengthen the training of various personnel,Pay close attention to talent cultivation,To highlight performance orientation、Bless political standards,Make good selection and appointment,It is necessary to improve the institutional system,Play the role of the assessment baton,Promote those who can achieve success、Excellent Award、The mediocrity is down、The inferior will be eliminated;We must insist on having both ability and political integrity、Focus on performance、Principles recognized by the masses,Vigorously create people who want to be responsible、Able to do things、A good atmosphere to get things done;We must strengthen all-round management and regular supervision of cadres,We must strengthen discipline education、Improving the cadre assessment and evaluation system、Implement the bc.game promo code’s regulations on cadre management and various incentive and restraint measures,Further mobilize the entrepreneurial enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of cadres and officers;We must implement the fundamental plan of having successors,Everyday discovery of sound and outstanding young talents、Following and training、Use when appropriate、Normalized working mechanisms such as strict management,Continuously cultivate and create backbone forces for the bc.game promo code's reform and development。FourthBe brave in self-revolution and constantly promote comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code.Profoundly grasp the two new requirements of “always on the road”,Unswervingly and deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code,To promote the construction of political excellence、Outstanding performance、Innovation driven、A first-class state-owned capital investment company with modern governance provides strong guarantee。We must speed up the establishment of a comprehensive and strict bc.game promo code governance system within the Group;We must strengthen political supervision accurately and effectively,Integrate into daily supervision;We must persist in strengthening the moral integrity and discipline,Winning the tough and protracted battle against corruption resolutely。五是Strengthen self-construction,Improving the ability to comprehensively and strictly govern the bc.game promo code。We must strengthen our own construction,bc.game promo code affairs departments must put their own political construction first,bc.game promo code workers in the education guidance group system firmly support the “two establishments”、Resolutely achieve "two maintenances",Always be politically reliable、Absolutely loyal to the bc.game promo code;We must adhere to integrity and innovation,Establish a firm concept of system,Emphasis on problem orientation,To improve abilities and quality。

Mi Dabin pointed out,Create political excellence、Outstanding performance、Innovation driven、Manage modern state-owned capital investment company,Strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization for Hebei Construction Investment,Must adhere to the bc.game promo code’s leadership,Strengthening bc.game promo code Building。Let us effectively play the leading and guaranteeing role in comprehensively and strictly governing the bc.game promo code,Leading the group’s high-quality development and constantly creating new situations。

Deputy Secretary of the Group bc.game promo code Committee、General Manager、Vice Chairman Cao Xin put forward three requirements for implementing the spirit of this meeting,First, arrange deployment quickly、Strengthen terminal implementation,Learn to convey and implement the spirit of this meeting。Deployment must be arranged quickly,Organize a bc.game promo code committee meeting、Branch committee,Make good use of the bc.game promo code committee’s theoretical study center group study、"Three meetings and one lesson" and other forms,Implement the spirit of this meeting。We must base ourselves on studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the bc.game promo code,ImplementationThe spirit bc.game promo code Second Plenary Session bc.game promo code 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, combinedbc.game promo code CompanyThe requirements of the bc.game promo code Committee and Workers’ Congress must be implemented quicklyThe spirit of this meeting.Second, we must earnestly implement responsibilities、Be brave in self-revolution and constantly promote comprehensive and strict governance of the bc.game promo code.bc.game promo code organizations at all levels in the group system mustEffectively shoulder the main responsibility of building bc.game promo code style and clean government,Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies must continue to improveSupervision is dedicated to quality and efficiency,The main person in charge of the bc.game promo code organization must effectively assume the responsibility of the first responsible person,Comrades in the team must fulfill "one post, two responsibilities",Take effective measures,Leading cadres and employees,Act upon hearing the order,Charge upon hearing the signal,Implement the Central Committee、Provincial bc.game promo code Committee and Provincial Government Decision-making and Arrangements and Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission bc.game promo code Committee Work Requirements,Manage the team well、Lead the team,Ensure that all work is implemented,Solidly promote the construction of bc.game promo code style and clean government and anti-corruption workProvide strong discipline guarantee for the bc.game promo code’s high-quality development,Maintain the good political ecology of Hebei Construction Investment bc.game promo code which is clean and upright。The third is to benchmark against world-class companies,Actively take responsibility,Strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development for the bc.game promo code。We must carry forward the spirit of struggle,Vigorously promote hard work、Work hard、Courageous style of moving forward,With a high sense of responsibility and not waiting、No hesitation、Unrelenting mental state,Seize the opportunity to build a new development pattern,Focus on main business to promote development、Excellent performance against benchmark 1、Strong stamina to serve the overall situation,Continuously improve the bc.game promo code’s development capabilities、Development level,Enhance core competitiveness,Promote enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger,To build political integrity、Outstanding performance、Innovation driven、A first-class state-owned capital investment company with modern governance provides strong political guarantee,Strive to plan and write a new chapter of high-quality development bc.game promo code group.

All departments and enterprisesSigned at the meetingLetter of commitment to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the bc.game promo code,The group issued the "2022 Compilation of bc.game promo code Style and Integrity Construction Work"。