Focus on the Party Congress、Disciplinary Committee leaders visit the party congress representatives casino Source: casino Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-05-11

    5In the afternoon of the 11th,Group Party Secretary Mi Dabin,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Cao Xin,Deputy Secretary of the Group's Party Committee Lin Shiyan,Member of the Party Committee of the Group、Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Wang Chundong also visited the representative of the Second Congress of the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China Hebei Construction bc game sportsbook review review 2024 Investment Group Co., Ltd.。

Mi Dibin extended cordial condolences to the representatives, and for everyoneThank you for your contribution made for the group's reform and development,He said,Delegates from the group's various systems,Outstanding results in their respective jobs,I hope everyone will raise political standing,Fully understand the responsibilities and mission,Earnestly review the reports of bc game sportsbook review the conference,Actively bc game sportsbook review build suggestions,Perform the party's duties in accordance with the law、exercise democratic rights and build politics、Outstanding performance、Innovation driver、The combination of modern first -class state -owned capital investment companies that govern modernity,Setting up the tasks of the meeting successfully,Jointly open the conference into unity and democracy、 review 2024 Practical seek new、Aggressive conference。 poker Listen carefully,The Group's Second Party Congress is a major event for the group's political life,I hope that the representatives will abide by the requirements of the meeting during the meeting,Listen carefully、Discussion Conference Report,Combined with the actual reality of the reform and development of various enterprises,Plan the deployment of the report、Implementation, casino review I hope everyone will give full play to the role review 2024 of the example,Implement the spirit of the meeting。

Group Party Committee Office、Party Committee Organization Department、The responsible comrades of the Party and Mass Work Department accompanied the representative。

(Supply of Li Xiaona, Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Group)