The bonus code’s fall recruitment campus promotion activity for 2025 fresh graduates was successfully completed
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bonus code bonus code: 2024-09-30

September 18th to 30th,The Organization Department (Human Resources Department) of the bonus code organized and carried out campus promotion activities for the group’s autumn recruitment of 2025 fresh graduates。Organization Department of the bonus code、JIC Energy、Xintian Green Energy、Jiantou Transportation Company、Jiantou Xiongan Company、Jiantou Finance Company、Maotian Capital Company、Relevant responsible comrades from 8 directly managed companies including Jiantou Digital Company and Saihan Green Energy attended the presentation。

This presentation is based on the bonus code’s autumn campus recruitment job requirements,By analyzing the destination of college graduates、Number of students from Hebei Province、Comprehensive rankings of corresponding majors and other data,Choose Beijing、Tianjin、Harbin、Nanjing、6 university resource gathering places in Xi’an and Chengdu,Goed to Tianjin University successively、Hebei University of Technology、North China Electric Power University、Tsinghua University、Renmin University of China、Harbin Institute of Technology、Nanjing University、Southeast University、Xi’an Jiaotong University、Sichuan University、11 universities including Southwest Jiaotong University,To 21 employers、55 recruitment positions、A total of 152 recruitment plans were recommended,Push online at the same time、Precise invitation、New media placement and other forms to fully improve the publicity effect、Guarantee the quality of publicity。It coincides with a large-scale double election meeting at Xi'an Jiaotong University,Party Committee Organization Department Organization Energy、Transportation、Xiongan、4 units present in Saihan gave on-site lectures,Connect with Shaanxi、Gansu、Resources for college graduates in Ningxia and other places。More than 1,400 people signed in for this campus lecture,Received more than 10,000 student resumes。

The on-site presentation is divided into bonus code introductions、Job Recommendation、Four links of alumni sharing and on-site communication,The Organization Department of the Party Committee introduced the comprehensive strength of the bonus code to the students present、Development History、Business Segment、Key projects、Corporate culture and employee development, etc.,Demonstrates the excellent results achieved by the bonus code since its establishment 36 years ago and the surging momentum for future development,Each directly managed company introduced the company’s basic situation and recruitment positions in detail,Qie Weifeng, Deputy General Manager of the bonus code Investment and Development Department、Xu Ying, chief engineer of Jiantou Guorong Company and many other outstanding alumni gave alumni sharing and career guidance,Fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the students present。

To strengthen ties with universities,Discover and introduce talents、Opportunities for cooperation in training,The Organization Department of the Party Committee organized representatives from directly managed companies to go to Tianjin bonus code、Harbin Institute of Technology、Xi’an Jiaotong bonus code、The career guidance centers and relevant departments of four universities including Southwest Jiaotong bonus code visited and held discussions。

This autumn recruitment campus presentation is to implement the bonus code’s talent life cycle management concept,An important measure to promote the introduction of outstanding talents,It has effectively enhanced the bonus code’s brand image and influence among university teachers and students。Next step,The Organization Department of the Party Committee will seize the autumn、Spring Recruitment Window,Carry out campus propaganda、Double election meeting、Special recruitment and other activities,Continuously strengthen recent graduatesIntensity of introduction of professional students,Provide high-quality talents to ensure the high-quality development of the bonus code。

(Contributed by Zhai Jianwei, bonus code Organization Department)