2022 Xingtai Power Generation Employees Reasonable Suggestions Recommended Review Results
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-01-11

To further mobilize the majority of employees bc game sportsbook review bc.game app "Fourteen Five Five、Be a good main force、For the new era ",Promote the company's high -quality development,Move and stimulate the majority of cadres and employees "increasing revenue festivals、cost reduction and efficiency、Dedication of Job "",According to the relevant measures of Xingtai Company,Combined with the group's union requirements,From the end of October 2022,Xingtai Power Generation Trade Union Organization launched the 2022 employee rationalization proposal solicitation activity。

The smooth development of the guarantee activity,The company established the chairman of the union as the team leader,Company Trade Union、Party and Mass Work Department、Comprehensive Management Department、Human Resources Department and Equipment Management Department、Leading Group of the person in charge of the Ministry of Anjian's Ministry of Rings,and set up four review teams,Planning for the event of the event、Guidance Promotion、Overall coordination and review reward。

Under bc.game casino the serious bc.game review 2024 organization of the grassroots unions,The majority of cadres and employees take a high sense of responsibility for the responsibility of the company to actively develop their suggestions for the healthy development of the enterprise。Everyone from producing safe、Open source throttling、Open source throttling、Energy -saving emission reduction、Environmental protection governance、Management improvement、Transformation Development、Skills Training、Party building group、Logistics bc.game management、Harmony bc.game casino and stability and other aspects of gold ideas、Think about the way,19 grass -roots unions submitted a total of 1,356 rationalized suggestions for 1,404 items,148 pieces from last year,The employee participation rate reaches 96%; the recommended recommendation 423 items,53 pieces from last year。

Plane at the grassroots level、Review of professional judges,Based on the constructiveness of reasonable recommendations、targeted and operable and review ratio,Last first prize 15 articles,bc.game 42 second prizes,bc.game casino 106 three prizes,260 commemorative awards。

It is recommended to solicit activities to increase effective communication between employees and enterprises,Suggestions for being adopted,The company union will be fed back to the relevant responsible department to implement it,and the implementation of the implementation will continue; for other suggestions,All grass -roots unions will actively promote their reasonable use in various ways,Protect the enthusiasm of participation bc.game poker of employees,Promoting a virtuous cycle bc.game app of management work。

                            (Supply of Xingtai Power Generation Company)