Qin Require Power Generation Co., Ltd. launched the special rectification work bc.game casino of major hidden dangers bc.bc.game casino bc.game casino review game casino at the end of the year at the beginning of the year
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-01-19

To eliminate all kinds of safety hazards,Make sure the production is safe and stable,Recent,Qin Require Power Generation Company organized the special rectification work bc.game casino of major hidden dangers bc.bc.game casino bc.game casino review game casino at the end of the year at the end of the year。

In accordance with the requirements of the relevant documents of the provincial and municipal authorities and higher -level units,The company has formulated the "Special Remediation Work Plan for Special Remediation bc game sportsbook review of major hidden bc.game casino bc.game casino review dangers at the beginning of the year",and strengthen implementation。January 11,The company held the security committee meeting, concentratedLearning and promoting "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and instructions such as fire accidents such as fire accidents in Anyang City, Henan Province" and 15 hard measures for safety production formulated by the State Council Security Committee,Delivery on the special rectification bc game sportsbook review of major hidden bc.game casino bc.game casino review dangers at the beginning of the year and the beginning of the year,Require units to fire for fire protection、Heating、Dangerous chemicals、Special equipment and other key remediation points in depth。

1month 17,The company organizes a large -section safety inspection。Company Party Committee Secretary、General Manager Li Kezhang led the team,Leadership、Management staff of each department and maintenance of the bc.game casino project department、A total bc.game casino of 32 professional and technical personnel are divided into 4 inspection teams for key parts of fire prevention in each region、Employee dormitory、Fire protection equipment and facilities, etc.。Rectification notice was issued under the problems found for inspections,Implementing rectification responsible units and rectification measures one by one,Requirement for rectification at a time limit。

Next,The company will continue to carry bc.game casino bc.game app out the special rectification work bc.game casino of major hidden dangers bc.bc.game casino bc.game casino review game casino at the end of the year at the end of the year,Effectively exclude hidden safety hazards,Covering management vulnerability,further building the company's security defense line,Ensure that the company's Spring Festival and the National Two Sessions will be generated、Heating safety and stable operation。

                            (Qin Ji Power Generation Company  Bai Fengrui Conferring)