Building an energy fuel company to carry out & ldquo; send warmth & rdquo; condolences
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-01-20

Recent,Certain fuel company trade unions carry out review 2024 "warm" condolences,Trade Union Chairman Liu Yajie led the condolences to send condolences and care greetings for the fought in the front -line village。

In the home of Guo Zhanwei, a cadre in the front line, Liu Yajie and Guo Zhanwei's cordial conversation,and listen carefully to casino the problems and needs you need to solve,Finally, the greetings and blessings of the Spring Festival to him and his family,and tell them to take care of their bodies。

Visit and condolences before the Spring Festival,Make the cadres stationed in the village feel the warmth app and care of the construction of energy fuel companies,Effective enhanced the cohesion of grass -roots trade unions。Future,Construction Fuel Union will continue to do a good job of condolences,Constantly enhance the sense of gain of employees、 app Happiness sensation、Safety。

                              (Supply of Certain Fuel Company)