Cangzhou supply drainage company carried out annual innovation selection and stimulating enterprise innovation vitality
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-01-29

Recent,Cangzhou supply drainage organization held a 2022 innovation bc game sportsbook review achievement selection meeting,Review the internal and external innovation achievements declared by the grassroots units。This is the fifth year of Cangzhou's internal annual innovation selection in Cangzhou,Four years before this,The company has selected 41 items of outstanding technological innovation results、24 items of excellent management innovation achievements。

This selection is divided into two categories: technological innovation achievements and management innovation results,Perform through video conferences。The meeting is divided into bc game sportsbook review three links: First, Introduction to the results of the participating unit、Effective effect、Main innovation points、Effective effect、Promotion and application prospects and other content reports for results,Second, the judges report to the content of the report,Make a recommendation suggestion。Third, the judges are innovative、Practical、maturity、Promoting value and other aspects take consideration,Rating various results。

The achievement of technological innovation will be judged by the Company Special Committee,9 -digit judges participate in the score,In 2022, there were 11 technical achievements participating in the evaluation。Among them, it mainly includes the government's scientific and technological project,For example: "Long -distance water supply pipe network data real -time online monitoring research and development and application"、"Research on Optimization and Control Technology of the Chemical Phosphor Removal System of Urban Sewage Treatment Plant", etc.,It also includes "System improvement of vacuum maintenance system"、"Ultrafilled System Expansion and Promotion Construction" and other independent casino internal technology innovation projects,It also includes 1 authorized patent。

Management and innovation results are responsible for review by the company's evaluation committee,11 jury participated in the score,In 2022, a total of 5 management innovation results participated in the annual evaluation awards,Content involving the project post -evaluation management、Water Quality Management、Measurement Monitoring Management、Network Security Management、Production equipment management aspect。

The annual selection of this innovation achievement has established an innovative casino results display platform for company employees,Participate in the joint participation through all units,MovedEmployee Innovation Positioner,Pioneering innovative ideas,Stimulated corporate innovation vitality,Further create an atmosphere of innovation、Optimize the innovation environment。In the next step, Cangzhou water supply and drainage companies will declare awards for innovation results,Packing and refining,Improve the quality of results,At the same time is committed to internal promotion and application of innovative results, poker Convert results into productivity,Promote the innovation and development of enterprises to a new level。

(Cangzhou supply drainage company Zhang Wenchao's supply)