bc.game Beijing Sanli Mingyue Hotel held a meeting of safety hazards before the national two conferences
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-02-23

2month 23,bc.game Beijing Sanli Mingyue Hotel held the deployment meeting of safety hazards before the national two conferences。The meeting was chaired the meeting by Qin Haifeng, the leader of the leadership team of production safety,Members of the Leading Group for Work Safety bc.game Participation Meeting。

At the meeting, Qin Haifeng conveyedThe spirit of the "Two Sessions" fire safety work deployment meeting and the "Four Fast" disposal process promotion meeting of the "Two Sessions" of Yuenan Street, combinedHotelThe actual situation is formulatedInvestigation Plan for Hidden Danger of Production Safety,and clarified the pre -mobilization meeting of the hotel's bc.game "two sessions"、Specific time for fire drills and hidden dangers。

Qin Haifeng emphasized,Investigation of hidden safety production hazards must implement the "regional responsibility system" and "job responsibility system",Each department shall implement the investigation plan for safety production hidden dangers in combination with the actual work of work;,For the problems bc.game found during the inspection,Immediately instructed relevant departments to make rectification,Clarify the rectification period,Determine the person in charge,Improve the effectiveness of rectification work。All employees of the hotel must firmly establish a sense of responsibility for production safety,Earnestly fulfilling the responsibility of production bc.game casino safety,Strengthen the sense of safety responsibility,Ensure that the hotel's safety production situation will continue to stabilize during the two sessions of the country。

(bc.game Beijing Sanli Mingyue Hotel  Zhang Yuan contribution)