Natural Gas Company Baoding bc game sportsbook review casino Qingyuan-Cangzhou Singing gas pipeline project obtained the approval approval of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-03-03

Natural Gas Company Baoding bc game sportsbook review casino Qingyuan-Cangzhou Singing gas pipeline project has recently obtained the approval of the Hebei Development and Reform Commission for approval。

Baoding bc game sportsbook review casino Qingyuan-Cangzhou Singing gas pipeline project is 70 kilometers long,Design pressure 10MPa, casino review Pipe diameter live casino 508 mm,Passing through Baoding Qingyuan District、Gaoyang City、蠡 County and Cangzhou Suning County 4 County (district),2 seats involved in the reconstruction station,3 new valve rooms,Design gas transmission capacity 1.4 billion square meters/year。After governments with various local governments、Natural Resources and Planning Bureau、Active live casino communication casino review and coordination of multiple government departments such as the Examination and Approval Bureau,Prepare multiple approval information,Finally obtained the project approved approval of the project issued by the Hebei Provincial Development and Reform Commission,It laid a solid foundation for the construction of subsequent projects。

As a key project in Hebei Province,This project casino review bc game sportsbook review will provide sufficient pipeline gas along the way county and districts in the future,Expand the company's market radiation range,Further realize the optimized allocation of resources between regions,Enhance the stability of gas supply in the regional pipe network,Provided strong support for the company's later strategic layout。Next Gas Company will scientifically dispatch, poker overcome bc game sportsbook review difficulties,Make every effort to promote the internal procedures of the project,Implementation project plan arrangement,Make sure the project starts early。

                                (Natural Gas Company  Feng Qian's contribution)