International Building Hotels Carry out Learning poker app Lei Feng Memorial Day theme activity
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-03-07

Recent,International Building Hotel Organization launched the "Sing Lei Feng Ge,Tell Lei Feng Story "theme activity,Company members participating in the event。

The event opened with the chorus "Learning Lei Feng Good example",Subsequent,Learn members listen to the story of Lei Feng together,Lei Feng's selfless dedication、 review 2024 live casino Advanced things that are self -denial moved many members of the group members。The members of the team enthusiastically speak,Share the learning experience of Lei Feng's story,And said that they would bc game sportsbook review learn from Comrade Lei Feng,Do a good job of "screw" in the job,Invest a limited life into unlimited service for the people。Last,The members of the team studied together "People's Daily" article "Lei Feng's Spirit casino casino review Blooming Era Light",and indicate that you will repeatedly study after the event、Read carefully,Internalize Lei Feng's spirit to the heart,Externalization。

The International Building does not forget to learn the spirit of Lei Feng at all times,And specially set up Learning Lei Feng Volunteer Service Post,Normalization of Learning Lei Feng Volunteer Service,Encourage employees to bc game sportsbook review learn from Comrade Lei live casino Feng,Actively participate in volunteer service,Put in the cause of serving the people。International Building was honored by Hebei Volunteer Service Demonstration Community (site) in 2021,Won the Party Working Committee of Qingyuan Street in 2022、Council of Jinqi in the office。2023,International Building will continue to promote the spirit of Lei Feng,Actively serve society。

Through this activity, casino casino review Everyone loves Comrade Lei Feng and loves the party and loves the country、Services、Confidence and self -improvement、Dedication、The spiritual quality of the courage to take responsibility has started in -depth learning,Effective improvement of employees' social responsibility,Promoting the core values ​​of socialism。

                                (Supply of the International Building Hotel)