Xibaipo Power Generation Company held a hand -made activity in Handicrafts & Ldquo;
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-03-07

3month 3,Two "巧 巧 心 心Kaisen the prelude to the company's female employees to celebrate the 38th quarter.

bc.game review 2024 More bc.game casino than a hundred female workers from 11 branches from Xidian Corporation gathered together,Under the guidance of the teacher's explanation,Handicated hydrangea、African chrysanthemum、Dalihua、Daisy and other color flowers are cleverly embellished on the hat,At the same time, it also bc.game casino bc.game review 2024 symbolizes the symbol of reunion、perseverance、A positive and beautiful blessing blends into it,Make a hat of ordinary generals into a piece of artwork full of aura。Put on the work made by myself,Take pictures、photo,Everyone's face is filled with a happy smile。

The development bc.game casino of the event bc.game poker alleviates the pressure of female workers in Western Power Company,Added communication between female employees,Show the company's female employee's heart and cleverness、Confidence and elegance、The spirit of love for life。

   "Dai" is beautiful,Start from scratch,Female bc.game casino bc.game casino review employees will go to their respective positions in their best states,In the new year, make greater contributions to the company's high -quality development。

                               (West Power Company Huo Yanhong's contribution)