Investment Energy Company held a symposium with the Wan -District Government
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-03-09

3month 6,Zhangjiakou Wanquan District Party review 2024 app Committee Standing Committee、Director of the District Committee Office Kang Yongliang and his party visited the Investment Investment Energy Company。Zhu Haitao, deputy general manager of Construction Investment Energy, attended the symposium,Wanwan District Government、Guo Leizhuang Town Government is responsible for leadership and Beijing Jiaotong University、Relevant experts from Jingmeng Logistics Company,Heating power、Building review 2024 Investment app and China Rong、Related personnel of the development of investment and investment in carbon and investment investment, participating in the talks。

Kang Yongliang and his party introduced the location of the logistics park project、Traffic、Land、Industry、Resource、Policy、Strategy and other advantages and overall planning,Preliminary proposal to build a coal storage center as an idea of ​​an extension of the coal storage yard as a power plant。Kang Yongliang and other district leaders app welcomes the investment and construction of the enterprises of the construction of investment in the Economic and People's Livelihood project,I hope that the two parties will maintain good communication,Seeking a cooperation fit point。

Zhu Haitao said,The discussion further deepened the company's good impression of the business environment of the Wan District。Zhu Haitao introduced Hebei Construction Investment in traffic logistics、Minsheng Hydropower Heating Energy Supply and other performance review 2024 review 2024 business advantages,and proposed that construction investment energy is in thermal power、Heating、New Energy、energy storage、Electricity transaction、Carbon asset management has good technology、Resources and professional advantages,The company has two associates: two joint associations:,Promoting the coordinated development of scenery and fire reservoir hot and complementary industrial chain and comprehensive energy integrated development。Heating power、Building review 2024 Investment and China Rong、Corporation live casino and related departments of the establishment of investment and merging introduced the performance of each sector、Professional advantages and development ideas for promoting projects in both parties,and discussed the cooperation points of both parties。

The two parties said that they will continue to communicate and investigate in a timely manner,Seek opportunities and opportunities for cooperation,Actively promote the landing of energy projects。

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