Jiantou Carbon Financing Company Paddock“five pack one” Carbon bc.game casino asset development work has made phased progress
Source: Hebei bc.game Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-03-15

Recently,Jiantou Carbon Financing Company completed cooperation with Weichang County, Chengde City 133Connection of village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations,The "blockchain + dual carbon" platform developed and operated by it realizes the real-time uploading of the underlying data of the power station,In accordance with the requirements of Hebei bc.game Construction Investment Group’s “Five Guarantees and One” guarantee,Completed the phased tasks of increasing the value of carbon assets in Weichang County with high standards and high quality。

133 village-level photovoltaic poverty alleviation power stations this time,Combining blockchain technology with intelligent communication technology,Achieved the docking and transmission of real-time operational data such as power station bc.game casino power generation,Ensure that the ownership of the power data is clear after it is uploaded to the chain、Untamperable and permanent storage。At the same time,Through blockchain platform technology,Can accurately track ownership changes and transaction records of carbon emission reduction assets,Effectively avoid double counting and trading of emission reductions。

Carbon assets based on blockchain technology,Recognized by international bc.game casino and domestic buyers due to its traceability verification。At the same time, carbon trading and carbon finance based on blockchain can realize point-to-point transactions between the two parties involved,Transaction information is traceable and tamper-proof,High transparency of transaction process,Help maximize the value of carbon emission reduction assets,Help poverty alleviation photovoltaic power station projects create a replicable path、bc.game casino Paddock routes that can be learned。

Jiantou Carbon Finance Company will continue to implement the “Five Guarantees and One” joint assistance tasks of Hebei Jiantou Group in Weichang County,Make full use of your professional and platform advantages,Provide “carbon power” for the economic and social development of Weichang County through technology empowerment,Promoting green development,Promote rural revitalization。

 bc.game casino (Contributed by Du Zihan of Jiantou Carbon Finance Company)