bc.game review 2024 The bc.game app Provincial People's Investigation Team went to Xinji bc.game casino bc game sportsbook review review Construction Investment Water Company to investigate inspection work
Source: Hebei bc.game casino bc game sportsbook review review Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-03-29

Recent,Member of bc.game review 2024 The Provincial People's Cities Construction Renewal Commission、Gao Zengyong, deputy director of the Urban Construction Environmental Estate Working Committee of the Provincial bc.game bc.game casino People's Congress, and other research teams and other research teams to go to Xinji bc.game casino bc game sportsbook review review Construction Investment Water Company for investigation and inspection,Zhang Xiang, Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinji City、Deputy Director Liu Zhan,Deputy Mayor Liu Shimin accompanied the research。

Gao Zengyong and his party successively went to the bc.game sedimentation tank、Membrane、bc.game casino Central control room and other production workshops conducted field research,and listened to the company's party branch secretary、General Manager Cao Hongmei about the operation of the water plant、Water -making process、Introduction to the effect of groundwater pressure mining。He expressed affirmation of the role played by Xinji bc.game casino bc game sportsbook review review Construction Investment Water in ensuring bc.game bc.game poker poker water supply and ecological environmental protection,and said that we must continue to do a good job of water supply protection,For Xinji City to attract river water replacement、Urban and rural water supply integrated foundation,Promoting the protection of groundwater resources in Xinji City、Ecological environment improvement。

Cao Hongmei said,Xinji bc.game casino bc game sportsbook review review Construction Investment Water Company will be based on the main responsibility,Strengthening safety production,Ensure that water supply safety and stability,For the economic development of Xinji City、Contribution of environmental protection,Use actual actions to help build a strong economic province、Beautiful Hebei。

                                                         (Xinji Caojin Cao Jin confession)