Hebei Asset Management Company carried out 2023 bc.game casino review bc.game casino safety production and fire safety training
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-04-12

In order to implement the spirit of the group's bc.game casino review bc.game casino safety production and fire safety work video conference,Effectively do safety production and fire safety work,April 7,Hebei Asset Management Company organizes to carry out safety production and fire safety training activities。All employees of the company's stone participated in the event,bc.game casino bc.game Non -Stone employees participate in video ways。

This training on the company's "Provisions on Work Safety", "Comprehensive Emergency Plan", "Special Emergency Plan for Transportation of Urceamics", "Special Emergency Plan for Urcest Fighting Safety Incidents" Fileannounced. I invited the lecturer of the Hebei Science Popularization Center for Publicity CenterOccupational health and fire protection bc.game knowledge have bc.game app been explained in depth。Professional healthIt mainly explains the prevention and emergency treatment of public health safety accidents,and the prevention and treatment of common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; fire knowledge mainly includes fire prevention and escape skills training。

The company also organized a fire escape exercise,This fire escape exercise and useSimulation smoke escape tent development,bc.game casino Make the trainees learn the relevant escape skills while experiencing the experience of deepening the fire field,Improving the authenticity and practicality of the drill。

To ensure the training effect,The company also organized the test of bc.game casino review bc.game casino safety production and fire safety knowledge test,Let employees have a more solid understanding bc.game casino and mastery of the knowledge of bc.game casino review bc.game casino safety bc game sportsbook review production and fire safety。

Through this training,Make all employees of the company further firmly aware of bc.game casino review bc.game casino safety production and occupational health awareness,Master the fire safety knowledge and escape skills,It has played a good role in promoting the company's security development。

                                         (Hebei Assets Company Gao Yixin Conferring)