Jiantou Shahe Water Supply Company held a business analysis meeting for the first quarter of 2023
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-04-28

4Month 24th,Jiantou Shahe Water Supply Company organized a first quarter business analysis meeting,The meeting conveyed and learned about the water company’s first quarter operation analysis meeting and party building and production promotion work meeting、The spirit of the first Security Committee meeting,Listened to the first quarter work report of relevant departments,The company leaders made comments respectively,Clear the next phase of work goals and measures。

bc.game poker The specifications proposed by the meeting around the water affairs meeting、efficiency、Structure and other keywords,The next phase of work has been arranged and deployed。First, we must attach great importance to the implementation of blue ocean projects,Focus on solving key issues that restrict project implementation,Strengthening internal control and compliance,Comprehensively improve risk prevention capabilities。The second is to continue to improve the level of bc.game casino review operation and management,Strengthen the gap between production and sales、Measurement、Water fee recovery、Quantitative cost management,Optimizing water supply distribution,Reduce water supply energy consumption。The third is to formulate a plan,Clear measures,Improve ROE、Labor Productivity、Asset-liability ratio、Two gold ratio、Key indicators such as financing costs。The fourth is to move the project management barrier forward,Scientific bc.game casino control of design,Pay attention to internal control,Improving the project management system。The fifth is to strengthen the awareness of production safety among all employees,Enhance emergency response capabilities for emergencies。Sixth is to revitalize existing human resources,Eliminate structural redundancy,Take multiple measures to improve the labor productivity of all employees。The seventh is to increase the intensity of scientific and technological bc.game casino review innovation,Planning new projects based on practicality;Accelerate the construction of enterprise database,Accurate collection、Use various data efficiently。The eighth is to improve news propaganda capabilities,Build a high-level publicity team。The ninth is to improve political awareness,Further strengthen the learning and education of party members and cadres,Innovating Party Building Work Forms,Breaking through management bottlenecks through party bc.game casino building leadership、Overcome business problems。

(Contributed by Jiantou Shahe Water Supply Company Luyue)