The Investment and Electricity Department held Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education special education seminar
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-05-09

5month 4,Corporation of Electricity Division organized a study and implementation poker casino review of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology on the theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Secretary of the Party Branch of the Company、Chairman Zhang Zhiyong chaired the meeting,Member of the company' poker review 2024 s leadership team and all middle -level cadres attended the meeting。

Meeting with"The deeper learning and understanding of Xi Jinping in the new era of the principles of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Promoting the company's high -quality development "as the theme,Organizing the leading cadres of the meeting to study the designated books such as "Xi Jinping's New Era Socialist Thoughts Topic", "Xi Jinping's Excerpts of Investigation and Research"。Members of the leadership team communicate around the theme。

Zhang Zhiyong emphasized,This meeting is the first special study of theme education,It is also a mobilization deployment meeting for theme education activities。All party members of the branch must deeply realize,Carrying out the study and implementation poker casino review of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is significant.、Far -influence、Just time。According to the general goal of theme education, the general requirement of the general idea,Careful plan、Carry out carefully、Test with the heart,Promote the starting point of high starting point for theme education、High -quality expansion。Tightly around the target requirements,Learn theory、Investigation Research、Promoting development、View the rectification of rectification,To learn to cast souls、Learn to increase wisdom、Learn to righteousness、Promoting dry,Make sure the theme education achieves real results。

Zhang Zhiyong put forward four requirements on how to carry out the theme education,First, insist on learning,Strengthen theoretical armed forces, poker casino review casino Stimulate confidence in "Learning Thought"。To strengthen organizational leadership,Establish a theme education and learning leadership group,Carefully formulate the company's theme education activity plan,Improve the theoretical learning mechanism,Relying on theme Party Day、Special Party Lesson、"Three Meetings and One Lesson" and other learning forms,Follow the first time to follow the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speech and important instructions., enrich the learning carrier and form,Do a good job of wide publicity,The leadership team must take the lead、Frequent learning、In -school,Deep understanding Xi Jinping's new era of truthful power and practical power。Second, insist on the purpose of use,Keep in mind the duty and mission, casino Maintain live casino the original intention in "Strong Party Sex"。To educate activities through theme,Guide party members and cadres to further strengthen their ideals and beliefs,Consciously act consciously in ideological and political action with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Political character of loyalty and clean responsibilities,One heart is public、Being frank、Use right with caution,Awewed、Starting fear、Keep the bottom line,Forever Cleaning Political True Colors。Third, insist on grasping the hand with behavior,Improved business ability,Firm determination in "Reporting Practice"。Strengthen the empowerment of party building,It will be closely combined with the theme education and practice, review 2024 close combination with the work of the company live casino center,close combination with Daxing investigation,Focus on power spot transactions、Construction of virtual power plants、Optimized power marketing mode、Development of high -quality projects、Improving the level of corporate management and other key difficult directions of the current company development,overcome difficulties,Promote the company's high -quality development in continuous solving problems。Fourth is to adhere to the fundamental as the fundamental,Du Ying Drama A will,Practice perseverance in "Jianxin Gong"。The theme education activities should be long -lasting,See long -term,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employee officers to start a business,Take the lead of party members and cadres,Give full play to the company's youth backbone strength,Take bc game sportsbook review poker out the spirit of "break"、"Innovation" strength、"dry" style,Talk to performance,Promote the use of learning thinking、Uniform,Solid the theme education activities into work ideas、Policy measures、Specific starting point,Showing new responsibilities in the new journey of building a socialist modernization country in an all -round way、Realize new as a。

                                     (Feng Yalin of the Investment and Electricity Company Feng Yalin Supply casino