The boiler blowing pipe of Unit 2 of Jiantou Zhuneng Company was successfully completed live casino Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-09-27

9month227hour,With the last two target plate impacts, major indicators such as scar particle size and scar number are better than the target value,Comply with relevant acceptance specifications,Jiantou Zhuneng Company2was successfully completed.

2During unit boiler blowing,JIC can ensure that the main leaders can take command from the front,Full supervision and guidance。 review 2024 The unity and cooperation of all participating units and various departments of the company、Close cooperation,Pass summary1The experience of boiler blowing of unit No. 5749_57662Boiler blowing plan for unit No. 5888_5897,Safety measures are in place throughout the blowpipe process、The target responsibility is assigned to the person、Supervision and guarantee on duty。Equipment ManagementThe Management Department live casino arranges the execution of relevant majors24Hourly duty,Ensure that various problems that arise during the blowpipe process are dealt with as soon as possible。Fine control parameters of the power generation operation department,Strengthen on-site inspections,Detailed record data,Ensure timely detection of defects affecting the blowpipe process,Guarantee Master、Excellent control of various parameters such as reheat casino review steam pressure and temperature,The boiler body and each metal pipe are in good expansion condition。The Safety Supervision Department continues to supervise the implementation of safety measures and monitor factory boundary noise,Ensure the safety of blowpipe work、Environmental protection、High quality completion。

Through the joint efforts of all personnel, Jiantou can achieve success2The boiler blowing work of unit No. 6650_6663,For live casino subsequent complete set of startup、The first grid connection provides a strong guarantee,Laid a solid foundation for the company to realize "dual machines and double investment" on time。All cadres and employees of Jiantou Zhuneng will continue to strengthen their faith、Practical and responsible,Go all out to ensure the completion of annual mission goals。

                                    (Jiantou Zhuneng Company Contributed by Lu Yiming)