Xinji Construction Investment Water Company organized a series of activities to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the motherland
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group casino Time: 2023-09-28

Celebrating the upcoming 74th anniversary of the motherland,Xinji Construction Investment Water Company held a series of celebration activities with the theme of "Building Dreams Together and Celebrating a Prosperous China"。

Raise the national flag together to unite the strength of struggle.9Month 26,All employees of the company are arranged neatly in front of the complex building、Sign up solemnly,Hold a flag-raising ceremony,Sing the national review 2024 anthem together,High-spirited,Singing loudly,Joined to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the motherland。

Sing a song together to inspire patriotic enthusiasm.After the flag-raising ceremony,Company employees sang "Singing the Motherland" together,Convey faith through singing、Gathering strength,Blow the horn of endeavor,Always follow the party,Continue to write new glory。

We make bamboo weaving together and inherit Chinese culture.Bamboo weaving has a long history in China,Rich casino review in fruits of hard work,Condensing the essence of wisdom of the Chinese nation,Carrying the profound connotation of traditional culture,September 27,The company organizes "Inheriting Chinese Culture and Celebrating the Birthday of the Motherland" Intangible Cultural Heritage Bamboo Weaving Handmade,Employees weave silk into paintings,The community appreciates the beauty of nature that intersects longitude and latitude,Feel the charming charm of Chinese traditional culture,

Read the classics together and praise China in its prosperous times.Relying on staff bookstore,Company employees read party history、History of New China、Related books on the deeds of revolutionary ancestors and contemporary heroes and models,And selected the wonderful passages to read,Published on the company’s official account,Let’s all understand the revolutionary process of the founding and development of the motherland,Understand the perseverance for the poker motherland、The spirit of courage。

Through this series of activities to welcome the National Day,further stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the majority of cadres and workers,Fully demonstrates the good image of the company and the proactiveness of employees、High-spirited and uplifting spirit,Improved company cohesion and centripetal force。

                                                      (Contributed by Cao Jin of Xinji Construction Water Company