bc.game casino Jiantou Finance Company was rated as excellent in the performance evaluation of financial enterprises by the Provincial Department of Finance
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-10-10

Recently,Hebei Provincial Department of Finance issued the "Notice on Issuing the Results of Performance Evaluation of Provincial Financial Enterprises and (State-owned) Capital Preservation bc.game review 2024 and Appreciation",Hebei Construction Investment Group Finance Co., Ltd. was rated "Excellent" in the 2022 Financial Enterprise Performance Evaluation。

The Hebei Provincial Department of Finance follows the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Finance’s "Measures for Performance Evaluation of Financial Enterprises",Passed the financial enterprise performance evaluation management bc.game casino system,Calculate the evaluation results based on the financial accounting reports and other information provided by the company,Formulate evaluation conclusion。The performance evaluation result of bc.game casino Jiantou Finance Company is excellent (AA),Being at an excellent level among other financial companies across the country。Currently,Jiantou Finance Company has been rated bc.game casino review "Excellent" for four consecutive years。

bc.game casino Jiantou Finance Company will continue to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party as its main line,Closely focus on the group strategy,Conscientiously perform the responsibilities of industry-finance integration and fund guarantee,Resolutely “hold the bottom line of risk”,Deepen financial bc.game services,Be refined and solid in various businesses,Continuously optimize capital allocation,Improve capital utilization efficiency,Improving the capabilities and level of the service group。

                                                              (Contributed by bc.game casino Jiantou Finance Company Shi Ying)