Renqiu thermal power company completes the heat network heater replacement work
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-10-18

To ensure the warmth of the people over the winter,Renqiu thermal power company refined this winter and spring thermal source protection work,Scientific overall planning safety production and heating services review 2024 "one plate",Complete the "Strongest Voice"。The company planned the first stop of the hot network in advance,RecentSuccessfully complete the heat net heater replacement work.

Replace the hot net heater as the key task of the first stop of the hot network,Company leaders attach great importance to,Special meetings formulate casino review and improve the "three measures and two cases" of the hot net heater hanging。On the day of hanging,Vice General Manager Gu Jingze、Li Tao went to the front line to guide the work,With the slow increase of the hanging sky car,The hot net heating device is smoothly adjusted away from the 12.6 -meter platform,The successful bc game sportsbook review live casino completion of the replacement of the heat net heater,Provide a powerful guarantee for the heating unit "Healthy Winter"。

Renqiu thermal Electric Company will actively carry out heating pipe network、Repair and Maintenance of Heat Equipment Facilities,Comprehensively eliminate hidden dangers of the heating system defects,Make sure the poker heating equipment maintains the best state,Practicing the original mission with practical actions,Guarantee the majority of the masses to use electricity,Warm winter。

                                        (Renqiu thermal power company Liang Yan confession)