10Month 18th,Hanhuang bc.game live casino Command Center carried out "grasping the basics and improving quality in the conference room on the ninth floor.,Creating an Iron Army of Dispatchers” Dispatching Employees’ Variety Violation Competition,Wang Hongting, deputy general manager of the company, was invited to attend and speak,The heads of relevant professional departments will also attend as judges,President Sun Chengang, director of the dispatch center。15 dispatchers from the company participated in the competition。
This bc.game live casino is divided into two parts: theoretical answers and on-site practical exercises,Take live bc.game live casino、The method of real-time scoring is carried out in an orderly manner。First proceed to the theoretical question answering session,Each dispatcher randomly selects questions and answers,The content is closely related to the actual daily work of dispatchers。Since the beginning of the game,All contestants showed off their business knowledge、Zhan Scheduling Style,Immediately ignited the tense atmosphere on the field。Then proceed to the practical session,Excellent dispatchers conducted abnormal driving drills,The judges will comment after the exercise。
Through fierce competition,Finally 5 winners will be selected based on the results,bc.game live casino leaders and heads of relevant departments issued certificates of honor to outstanding contestants。Wang Hongting summarized and commented on this skills competition,Highly affirmed the significance of this event and the wonderful performance of the contestants,I hope the bc.game live casino’s dispatch command center and dispatchers will take this competition as an opportunity,Continuously strengthen job awareness,Improve dispatching business capabilities,Better display of dispatching style。At the same time, four requirements are put forward for future work: First, we must establish an overall concept,The bc.game live casino dispatcher is at the highest dispatching and command level in the Hanhuang dispatching system,It is necessary to conduct command and dispatch work across the entire line。Second, we need to enrich the amount of information。Be clear about the bottom line,The base number is the most basic amount of information that every dispatcher should have;Strengthen communication and understanding,Get more comprehensive production organization information。Third, we must enhance planning,Achieve transportation organization more efficiently。The fourth step is to improve the redemption rate,Cash rate is the ultimate indicator for testing scheduling work。
Through this event,Improved the professional skills and business level of dispatchers in the dispatch center,Enhanced learning skills、Positiveness with strong skills,Creating a good atmosphere of “competing with each other to learn from others”,Laid a solid foundation for exceeding the annual goals。
(Hanhuang Railway bc.game live casino Contributed by Sun Yan)