Korla Longrun Company's Party Branch and the Party Branch of the Bakulla Municipal Bureau of Parls, Xinjiang Bayzhou bc game sportsbook review bc.game casino Ecological and Environment Bureau bc.game review 2024 bc.game app to carry out theme party day activities
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-10-30

In -depth integration of promoting party building and business work,Vigorously implement the new model of party building work of "branch+branch" and "party affairs+business"、New ideas,Work hard to build "resource sharing、complementary advantages、Promote each other、Common development of the party building work,October 27,Korla Longrun Company and the Party Branch of the Korla Municipal Bureau of the Parls of the Pakistan bc game sportsbook review bc.game casino Ecological and Environment of Xinjiang jointly carried out the "learning thought、Strong Party Sex、Re -practice、New Gong "theme party day event。

In the event,All party members revisited the party's oath,I jointly studied "Xi Jinping's speech when Xi Jinping met with Chinese and foreign reporters at the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China""Speaking of Xi Jinping at the Second Central Xinjiang Work Symposium", "Xi Jinping in the new era of socialist ideology of socialism in the new era"" Xi Jinping Ribbon Ribbon, Xinjiang Weili County, Xingping Township Daxi Village, Xingping Township "and other content,Exchange discussions on the content of learning。After the event is over,All party members watched the patriotic education film "Little Horse Persan".

Wu Yanfang, Secretary of the Party Branch of Korla Longrun Company, said,I hope that the two parties will further expand the activities of the party building.,Convert the political advantages of mutual promotion and mutual progress of bc.game casino review bc game sportsbook review party building into an advantage to promote the development of the enterprise,Create a party building highland with brand characteristics,Leading high -quality development of environmental protection undertakings with high -quality party building。

Secretary of the Party Branch of the Korla Municipal Bureau of the Babzhou bc game sportsbook review bc.game casino Ecological and Environment Bureau of Xinjiang、Deputy Director Han Dalin emphasized,Party building co -construction is an important bond for government -enterprise communication,It is also the core motivation of bc.game poker the development bc.game review 2024 of ecological environmental protection,Korla Longrun Company as the core company of domestic sewage treatment in Nanshi District, Korla City,Actively assume the leading role of ecological environmental protection,contributed the responsibility of state -owned enterprises for the governance of the ecological environment of Korla,The ecological environment department will continue to deepen the service,Help enterprise green and high -quality development。

(Kurry Longrun Company Jin Xiaojuan confess)