Qin Hot Power Generation bc.game review 2024 Co., Ltd. won the second prize of the five small & rdquo;
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-11-02

Recent,Enterprise employees jointly organized by the Qinhuangdao City Harbor District Federation of Trade Unions and the Harbor District Science and Technology and Industrial Information Technology Bureau promote the "five small" (small invention、Small innovation、Small renovation、Small bc.game casino review Design、Tips) The competition award evaluation activity is held smoothly,Qin Hot Power Generation Company Song Haiying's entry "Based onAnalysis of the heating economy research"won the second prize of the transformation and upgrading.

Qin Require Power Generation Company combined with the company's production and operation and development direction,Based on innovation, creative efficiency, cost reduction bc.game casino and quality,Actively organize employees to participate in the competition,strongly stimulated the enthusiasm and innovative vitality of employees。Song Haiying's participationProject,Based on the actual development of the company,Analyzed the deviation of the heating parameters of the crew and the actual needs,Research proposed reasonable optimization of heating parameters can make the actual energy bc.game poker reach the supply and demand balance,ThroughEconomic AnalysisRealize different quality of energy to supply different users,to improve the overall thermal economy of the crew。

Qin Hot Power Generation Company will continueMove and play the enthusiasm and creativity of employees,Emancipating the mind,Emphasize,Integrated the innovation of all members into the daily management and business bc.game review 2024 activities of the enterprise,Constantly stimulate the endogenous motivation of enterprise development,Improve production efficiency,Improve corporate benefits,provides a strong motivation for promoting the high -quality development of enterprises.

                                      (Qin Require Power Generation Company Cheng Yan's supply)