The Energy Youth League Committee organizes the review 2024 development bc game sportsbook review of snow removal to remove ice civilization practice volunteer service activities
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-12-21

Recent,Our city ushered in a wide range of snowfall weather,low temperature、Snow thick,Smooth pavement,seriously affects the safe travel of vehicles and pedestrians,December 20,Investment Energy Company's Youth League Committee Organization System System System Systems in the casino building to carry out snow removal live casino of ice and civilization practice volunteer service activities。From the company's system in the building, including the company's headquarters、Building energy、25 employee volunteers who built investment and China Rong participated in the event。

Volunteers take the streets of West Gate,Although the weather is cold,It can not stop the enthusiasm of volunteers,They hold iron or snow review 2024 shovel,Pushing the snow and dark casino review ice on both sides of the road,Fully clear the main road、Snow and dark ice on the sidewalk and steps,Guaranteed travel safety of vehicle pedestrians。more than an hour of snow removal activity,Everyone is working hard to the sky,The busy figure constitutes a beautiful landscape,Volunteer stickers posted in front of the back are shining under the reflection of ice and snow。

This snow app removal activity,The travel for employees app in the building and nearby residents reduced hidden safety hazards,Provided convenience,Give full play to the Communist Youth League's Shengli Army、The role of the commando,In the event,Volunteers show the company's good image with practical actions,carried forward "Dedication、Friendship、mutual assistance、Progressive Volunteer Service Spirit,The power bc game sportsbook review of youth for the company' casino review s high -quality development。The company Youth League Committee will continue to carry forward the spirit of volunteer service,Actively carry out various volunteer service activities,Create in deepening civilized units、Promote the continuous efforts of corporate social responsibility,Contribute to the construction of a harmonious and beautiful construction investment energy。

                          (Supply of the Investment Energy Company)