Xibaipo Electric Power Second Company High -tech Enterprise Declaration is successful
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group bc game sportsbook review bc.game app Time: 2023-12-29

Following the successful declaration of high -tech enterprises in the Xibaipo Power Company in 2022,2023 Xibaipo Electric Second Company also successfully applied for high -tech enterprises,It has now ended on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology,and complete the registration of high -Enterprises in Hebei Province,GarmentGet high -tech enterprise number。Successful declaration of high -tech enterprises bc game sportsbook review bc.game in Xibaipo Electric Power Second Company,It is again affirmation of the overall technological innovation strength of Western Power Company。

The process of applying for high -tech enterprises is a comprehensive assessment and certification of bc.game casino West Power Corporation,Greatly prompting West Power Corporation to strengthen its own research and development capabilities、Innovation ability and management level。As a high -tech enterprise,West Power bc.game app bc.game live casino Company needs to increase investment in technical research and development,and actively promote the conversion of research results。This will inevitably promote West Power Corporation to continue to become more intelligent、The direction of energy -saving and environmental protection。

Declaration of high -tech enterprises can help enhance the reputation and image of Western Power Corporation in the market,Play a positive role in establishing the bc.game company's brand bc.game image,It is conducive to attracting more partners,Promoting the extensive in -depth exchanges between Western Power Corporation and colleges and universities。

For West Power Company,The successful declaration of high -tech enterprises is not just a honor,It is an important measure。2024,Investment Energy Standard Standard Industry First -class Enterprise,I have put forward new goals and new requirements in terms of scientific and technological innovation,bc.game casino West Power bc.game Corporation should based on the existing foundation,Pioneering ideas,Strive to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to participate,Create conditions for the cultivation of technical talents,Improve the ability to transform technology achievements,Continue to improve the level of scientific and technological innovation。

                                       (Xibaipo Power Generation Company  Yu Yali contributed)