Hanghuang Railway carried out road protection and patrol work
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-01-15

Recent,Hanshu Railway Company held the first safety management committee in 2024,Reporting the bc.game poker bc.game casino project department of the Width III section of the Walking Section of the Walking Section,It marks the initial results of the promotion of road protection and patrol work mechanisms of the Hanhuang Railway。

Since May 2023,Hanghuang Railway has established a patrol work leadership management team,Divide the organizational structure and work responsibilities of patrol work,Methods for the assessment of patrol work plans and patrol work。According to this,The bc.game poker bc.game casino project department of the Hansang Company ’s project department plans bc.game casino to recruit as a bc.game poker patrol officer for villagers who meet the requirements of the villages along the railway,and conducted a centralized training and qualification assessment for it,Make sure that patrol personnel can be proficient in the basic knowledge of road protection and patrol、Safety precautions、Working process and task requirements。

When the patrol staff found a problem during the patrol,,You can send video information through WeChat group、Telephone report、Back to the working area to report on -site various ways,Feedback bc.game casino to the person in charge bc.game app of the work zone,Establish a hidden dangers for patrol issues from the working area of ​​the place,For detailed registration,Clarify the person in charge of rectification and rectification,Rectify the sales number according to the prescribed time,and explicitly explicitly on the tent of the hidden dangers of patrol problems。At the same time,Strengthen communication and cooperation with the local government and residents,Regularly organize patrol officers to communicate with surrounding bc.game villages and towns,Establish a good communication and bc.game poker cooperation mechanism,in order to understand and solve the violation of violations found during the road protection patrol、Violation,Hard、Light -quality floating objects,illegal dumping and other problems。

Development of road protection starting from May 1, 2023 launched,Currently running for more than 8 months,From the current situation,The work of various tasks is smooth,good patrol effect。As of now,Patrol discovery and deal with 213 patrol problems in time,where,26 places of bc.game debris accumulation,Limited bc.game casino to high -level problems 5,fence and other problems 182。Timely discovery and treatment of these problems,It provides a solid guarantee for the safety and stability of the transportation production of Hanshuang Company。

2023Nianhan Huang Railway has achieved the eighth safety year since operation,By establishing a road guard patrol work mechanism,Both strengthen the education of road protection for villages along the line,It also further strengthens environmental governance along the railway,Guarantee safety along bc.game casino review the railway,Preventing bc.game app road safety cases occur,It is important to create a safe and stable railway transportation environment。

                                         (Chen Shijie Liu Jingyu, Chen Shijie, Chen Shijie Company)