Consolidate regional economic development“Hydrodynamic” Build a solid foundation for people’s livelihood“Strong foundation” ——Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company contributes to accelerating the construction of a strong coastal economic city
Source: bc game bonus Group bc game bonus: 2024-09-13

2008May,Hebei Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Cangzhou Municipal Government signed a joint venture cooperation agreement,Implementing merger, acquisition and reorganization of Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company,Since then, new momentum has been injected into state-owned assets。16 years,In the group company、Under the leadership of Jiantou Water Company,Generations of “Cangshui people” are dedicated and dedicated、Pioneering and innovative,Developed into the first company in the province to realize the introduction、Save、Supply、An enterprise with integrated operation and management,Responsible for the production and supply of urban tap water、Water Services、Sewage treatment、Responsibilities such as reclaimed water reuse and safe operation of reservoirs,Provides a solid bc game bonus guarantee for the high-quality development of Cangzhou。

Infrastructure is steadily advancing and weaving a dense bc game bonus network for the long term

Accelerate the construction of a strong coastal economic city around Cangzhou City,Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company is accurately positioned in the docking development、Emancipate the mind、Strive and work hard,Coordinate the layout of the bc game bonus market with a self-revolutionary attitude,Leverage the "integrated" management advantages of "whole industry chain" water companies,Actively promote the integration of water services in the eastern region of Cangzhou City、Widen the east-west water-carrying artery,Fully support and serve the development goals of Cangzhou City。Currently,The company has established 4 water companies in the eastern area of ​​Cangzhou City,Covering 4 water plants,The total daily bc game bonus capacity is 250,000 cubic meters,The total length of the bc game bonus pipeline network is 518 kilometers,Initially constructing science、Reasonable facility layout。

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bc game bonus Reservoir

To improve raw water transportation capacity,The renovation of Dalangdian bc game bonus Pumping Station has been implemented in recent years、Water transmission pipeline from reservoir to surrounding counties and cities、Yinda Port Water Pipeline、Nandagang Water Pipeline、Haixing bc game bonus pipeline and other projects,Underground water pipelines to Huanghua City, Bohai New Area、Dagang Oilfield and Haixing County provide raw water services。The completion of the project has enabled the eastern region of Cangzhou to get rid of the history of severe water shortage,Promote local economic development into the "fast lane"。To meet the water needs of development in the eastern region and along the line,Scientific Planning,Coordinated promotion,Accelerate the improvement of long-distance pipeline layout。Since 2014,Organize and implement the construction of the double-track project leading to the port from Dalian University in stages,In the process, the construction method is adopted to connect the bc game bonus to the grid while constructing,Gradually complete the first double line of "introducing universities into Hong Kong"、Phase 2、Phase III Project and Haixing County River Water Switching Project、Construction of water pipeline project from Huanghua Pumping Station to Nandagang,Cumulative investment 10.600 million yuan,Let high-quality Yangtze River water benefit a wider area,Realize steady improvement in pipeline bc game bonus capacity。current,The cumulative construction length of the "Diversion into the Port" water pipeline is 421 kilometers,Daily bc game bonus capacity increased from the initial 100,000 cubic meters to 400,000 cubic meters,Inject strong water power to help Huanghua City in Bohai New Area achieve high-quality leap-forward development。

Digital empowerment promotes development and smart bc game bonus services improve people’s livelihood

In recent years,As a "vanguard" in the field of "smart water",Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company is empowered by “digital intelligence”,Actively build a "smart water service" covering the entire chain of "water diversion-water production-bc game bonus-sewage treatment"。

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bc game bonus dispatch center

In order to build a full-process bc game bonus security system from "source to faucet",Carried out the construction of an Internet + smart water operation and management service platform,Completed the transformation of water plant automatic control system、Network Construction、Revenue System、Equipment Management System、Production and water quality report management system、Pipeline network inspection based on GIS system、Maintenance、Meter Reading Management System Application、OA office system application、Many smart water construction projects including the construction of dispatching sub-control center,Data information is called and shared between each business application module,Better support the implementation of related application functions between modules,Opening up the "information islands" between various systems,Smoothed the "data barriers" between various bc game bonus pipe networks,The water plant has realized automated control,Some bc game bonus process sections have been staffed with fewer people on duty、Unattended。Through the construction of a comprehensive smart water platform,Effectively improve the company's modern bc game bonus service capabilities,Gradually forming intelligent operation、Scientific Scheduling、Precision service、Innovatively managed bc game bonus service system,Realize from "manual operation"、“Semi-automation” to “intelligent”、The rapid progress of "one-click"。

2023December,“Hebei Smart City Water Technology Innovation Center” was unveiled at Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company。This center is the first provincial technology innovation center in the water industry in the province,It will become the incubator of Cangzhou bc game bonus and drainage project in the future、Technological research、An important platform for industry-research docking,By focusing on the field of smart city water management,Aiming at cutting-edge technology,Cooperate with universities and colleges to carry out research on common key technologies for smart water affairs,Using digital technology to empower the water industry,Strive to overcome key technical bottlenecks in the water industry,Continuously strengthen its core technology,Focus on personnel training,Promote the transformation and application of technological achievements,Improving urban bc game bonus、Drainage、The level of intelligence in sewage management,Create a smart water environment,Promote the further upgrading and development of smart cities。

Technological research and bc game bonus adds momentum, innovation drives strong industries

Technological innovation is the "motivating force" that leads development,It is also the key to accelerating the formation of new productive forces。Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company adheres to the "innovation-driven development" strategy,Combined with industry characteristics,Committed to building a new scenario for enterprise technology research and development,Resolving process difficulties and pain points、Improving efficiency and service levels,Form the whole process、omnidirectional、Focus on the key points、The “four-in-one” scientific and technological innovation management system with highlights,Drive enterprise’s intrinsic growth,Achieve outstanding results in scientific and technological innovation in the industry。

So far,Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company organized and implemented more than 30 scientific and technological projects,including 1 national-level project、28 provincial and municipal projects。By tracking the entire process of technology projects、Guidance and Management,Solved the establishment and acceptance of science and technology projects、Result registration and evaluation、Many problems including project R&D expenditure collection。

As of now,Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company has obtained 10 scientific and technological achievements in Hebei Province、12 Hebei Province Management Innovation Achievement Awards、25 intellectual property rights (including 24 utility model patents and 1 software copyright);Has organized internal annual innovation selection 6 times,Produced 52 outstanding technological innovation achievements and 29 management innovation achievements;10 issues of the innovative internal magazine have been published,Published more than 130 innovative articles。

Improving quality, efficiency and excellent bc game bonus, benefiting enterprises and people and warming people's hearts

Cangzhou City bc game bonus and Drainage Company actively practices the service concept of customer first,To continuously improve the service mechanism、Innovative service initiatives、The goal is to improve service quality,Strive to create the simplest process、The fastest efficiency、High-quality bc game bonus service brand with the best service,For enterprise、User provides "peace of mind、Safety of Worry、Reassured” service,With "service zero distance,The bc game bonus business environment that "moisturizes thousands of households" is a fertile ground for high-quality development。

To comprehensively improve service levels,Optimizing the business environment,The company actively broadens its work ideas,Promote the new model of "blocked bc game bonus services",Gradually promote the shift of focus from "company hotline customer service" to "regional customer service",Transfer part of the bc game bonus service business to the community、Property,Effectively open up the "last mile" of serving the people。

The company is based on the current distribution of bc game bonus pipe network in Cangzhou City,Divide the bc game bonus area into 12 block service stations through smart water district metering,Clear division of responsibilities,And set up 97 customer service representatives to directly connect users。Customer service representatives set publicity consultation、Inspection and maintenance、Feedback、Meter reading management and other functions all in one,Business cards are posted on the information columns of each unit in the community,Announced to the community、Property,Gradually forming "slicing management、Block Service、Designated management、The bc game bonus service model with responsibility placed on everyone,By moving the service port forward,Change "passive service" to "active service",Realize the transformation from "handling the complaint as soon as it is received" to "handling it before filing a complaint",Shorten the bc game bonus service radius,Quickly focus on user problems,One-stop unified management of all water-related businesses for users within the jurisdiction、One-stop service,Ensure one-stop solution to problems,Effectively relieve customer service call volume pressure,In time、Efficiently solve user problems。

To help enhance regional economic soft power and comprehensive competitiveness,Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company has always attached great importance to the reform of “delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, optimizing regulation and optimizing the business environment” and optimizing the business environment,Elevate the work of optimizing the business environment to the level of fulfilling the responsibilities of state-owned enterprises and shouldering social responsibilities and making arrangements。Actively break business boundaries、Reduce the integration process,Through multi-department linkage、Service frontend、Powerful measures such as data reduction and accurate docking,The installation time limit has been reduced from no more than 15 working days to no more than 4 working days (excluding administrative approvals such as external line engineering planning and construction permits、Internal test waiting time),Greatly shortened business processing time。At the same time, the acceptance process will be reduced to "user application、On-site survey、3 parts of "installing meter connection",The water application declaration materials have also been optimized and reduced to 1 copy,And followed up with "Run at most once"、Service measures such as "deficit tolerance" in special circumstances,Received high praise from corporate users。

Reduce pollution and reduce carbon emissions while managing the battle to defend clean bc game bonus

Water is the source of life,It is also the starting point for the construction of ecological civilization,Sewage treatment is the most effective engineering measure to improve water quality。Always,Cangzhou bc game bonus, Drainage and Sewage Treatment Plant adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,Unswervingly give priority to ecology、The road to green and low-carbon development,Continue to promote sewage treatment、Water resource recycling、Work hard on energy conservation and carbon reduction。Since the establishment of the factory,Downtown Yundong、The two sewage treatment plants in Yunxi have treated approximately 400 million tons of sewage in total,Contribute wisdom to create an ecological and livable new Cangzhou。

bc game bonus Plant

To enhance the emission reduction capacity of Cangzhou City,Cangzhou City bc game bonus and Drainage Company invested more than 60 million yuan in the upgrade and renovation project of Yundong Sewage Treatment Plant in September 2010,The effluent water quality reaches the Class A standard of GB18918-2002 in the "Pollutant Discharge Standard for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants",Later invested about 1 in 2020.500 million yuan has been transferred to Yundong、Yunxi two sewage treatment plants have implemented a standard improvement project,The effluent water quality reaches the emission limit in key control areas of the "Heilonggang and Yundong Basin Water Pollutant Discharge Standards"。over the past few years,While accurately controlling pollution,Focus on promoting the recycling of sewage resources and researching green and low-carbon advanced technologies,Invest tens of millions of yuan in refined operation management、Rapid detection technology、Energy-saving technical transformation、Smart Water Intelligent Control System Application、Cascade utilization of water resources、Photovoltaic power generation technology、Sewage source heat pump technology、Research and development work on composite carbon source robot configuration technology and other projects,Under the premise of ensuring that the effluent meets the discharge standards,Further save energy consumption、Reduce material consumption,Ensure coordinated governance of pollution reduction and carbon reduction、Synergy,Promote high-quality development of water environment management work。

(Contributed by Yang Qian of Cangzhou bc game bonus and Drainage Company)