Tangshan LNG bc.game promo code Receiving Station Phase 2 Phase 1 (1#、2#、5#、6# storage tank) bc.game promo code was successfully put into operation
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-09-25

9Month 21st,Tangshan LNG bc.game promo code Receiving Station Phase 2 Phase 1 (1#、2#、5#、6# Storage Tank) bc.game promo code Commissioning Conference was held in Caofeidian District, Tangshan City,marks the second phase and first phase (1# of the largest designed LNG receiving station bc.game promo code in the Bohai Rim region、2#、5#、6# storage tank) bc.game promo code was successfully put into production。

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Member of the Party Leadership Group of Caofeidian District、Deputy District Chief Guo Haijun,Zhou Lijun, Director of Caofeidian Port Business and Economic Zone Management Office,Secretary of the Party Committee of Xintian Company、President Tan Jianxin,Secretary of the Party Committee of Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd.、Chairman Wang Zhangling,Secretary of the Party Branch of Caofeidian Company、General Manager Luan Tao,Vice President of Hong Kong and China Group Lu Chongwen and relevant leaders of participating units attended the meeting。

Guo Haijun expressed congratulations on the commissioning of the bc.game promo code on behalf of the Caofeidian District Government,He said,Tangshan LNG bc.game promo code is the first independently controlled large-scale gas source bc.game promo code in Hebei Province,This bc.game promo code has been approved since then、Construction and development to production and operation,Efforts have been made in every aspect、City、The countless hopes and efforts of the district and the majority of participants,Incorporated into the Provincial Party Committee、Important content of the provincial government’s promotion of the construction of Chinese-style modern Hebei scene。The first phase of the bc.game promo code has been completed and put into production in June 2023,Now the bc.game promo code is in the second phase and the first phase (1#、2#、5#、6# storage tank) bc.game promo code is officially put into production as planned,Will further enhance regional natural gas supply capabilities,Provide strong support for the stable supply of natural gas in Hebei Province and even the surrounding areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei。I hope Caofeidian Xintian Company will do a good job in production, operation and management after it is put into operation,Release bc.game promo code capacity as soon as possible,Speedly launch the second phase supporting terminal and the third phase bc.game promo code,Make due contributions to the economic development of Caofeidian。Hope that all parties participating in the bc.game promo code,Under the premise of ensuring quality and safety,Accelerate the construction of follow-up projects,Strive to create high-quality projects、Demonstration bc.game promo code。

Tan Jianxin expressed his gratitude to leaders at all levels for supporting bc.game promo code construction in his speech,Welcome to the leading guests attending the event,He said,Xintian Tangshan LNG bc.game promo code,As a key bc.game promo code approved by the National Development and Reform Commission,It is a major measure to implement the strategic deployment of the country and our province,It is a major achievement in promoting the deepening of collaborative cooperation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,It is also the main responsibility and main business of Xintian Company to become stronger and better、An important starting point for fulfilling social responsibility。bc.game promo code Phase 2 Phase 1 (1#、2#、5#、6# storage tank) bc.game promo code was successfully put into operation,This will not only greatly enhance Hebei Province’s peak gas supply capacity、Ensure the safety of gas supply,It will also play an important role in promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the prevention and control of air pollution。In future work,Xintian Company will join hands with Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. and other participating units,Sincere cooperation,Close cooperation,Make the bc.game promo code into a domestic high-quality bc.game promo code,A benchmark bc.game promo code in the industry!Building a strong economic province through practical actions、Make due contributions to "Beautiful Hebei"。

Tangshan LNG bc.game promo code is a key bc.game promo code of the natural gas production, supply, storage and marketing system established by the National Development and Reform Commission,It is also the largest domestically designed LNG bc.game promo code at the time of approval。bc.game promo code annual design loading and unloading capacity 12 million tons,Planning to build 20 200,000 cubic meter LNG storage tanks,2 loading and unloading berths,Total investment 253.900 million yuan。

The first phase of the second phase of production (1#、2#、5#、6# storage tank) bc.game promo code includes four 200,000 cubic meter LNG storage tanks and other supporting facilities,After the bc.game promo code is put into operation, the storage tank storage capacity of the receiving station has been greatly improved,It will effectively improve the natural gas emergency peak shaving and winter supply guarantee capabilities in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and even North China,To improve the energy structure、Play an important role in promoting atmospheric governance。

(Contributed by Caofeidian Company Qin Haoyang and Li Haochen)