Concentrate your heart and soul and follow the bc game bonus code,Unite and strive for a new journey, Jiantou Urbanization Company continues to promote thematic education in depth and solidity
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-10-27

In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensively study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the bc game bonus code,Jiantou Urbanization Company combines annual work arrangements,Taking the opportunity to study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Carry out a series of activities in a solid manner,Continuously improve the combat effectiveness of grassroots bc game bonus code organizations,Ensure the implementation of bc game bonus code history study and education。

1. Attach great importance to careful deployment and work together to promote development

According to the notice issued by the superior bc game bonus code committee,Jiantou Urbanization Company attaches great importance to it,Convene a special meeting to arrange deployment as soon as possible,ConferenceRequire the majority of bc game bonus code members to improve their political standing、Deepen ideological understanding,Effectively enhance political consciousness and action consciousness in carrying out thematic education;In-depth understanding of the significance of theme education,Firmly grasp the "idea of ​​learning、Strong bc game bonus code spirit、Emphasis on practice、General requirements for “building new merits”,In-depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions,Integrate thematic education with the company’s key tasks,Adhere to goal leadership and problem orientation,Put what you have learned,Promote practice through learning;Give full play to the role of pioneer and model,Strive to enhance the awareness of excellence,Truly transform learning results into firm ideals and beliefs、Strengthen bc game bonus code spirit、Do your job well、Vivid practices that promote company development,Promote the company’s high-quality development with strong and powerful measures;Carefully deployed,Precise implementation,We must regard theme education as an important political task at present and in the future,Ensure the subject education is standardized and orderly、Solid development、Achieve effective results。

2. Take multiple measures and organize carefully, take responsibility and focus on implementation

(1) Strengthen ideals and beliefs and carry out special bc game bonus code class activities

Carry out in-depth thematic education on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era throughout the bc game bonus code,It is a major measure to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the bc game bonus code。In order to further strengthen the construction of learning bc game bonus code organizations and bc game bonus code members,Company bc game bonus code Committee Secretary、Secretary of the Company’s Discipline Inspection Commission、Company 1、Both branch secretaries drafted their own questions,The main theme is "Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" as the content,Teach every vivid bc game bonus code lesson to all bc game bonus code members of the company。bc game bonus code classes are closely connected with the actual situation of the company,Guide all bc game bonus code members to follow the bc game bonus code spirit、Set an example,Continuously strengthen ideals and beliefs,Continue to strengthen the bc game bonus code’s innovative theoretical arming,Improve your ability to learn, think and practice,Effectively transform the learning results of theme education into specific ideas and measures to promote work,Effectively solve the practical problems and problems that plague the company's development。

7Month 14th,Carry out bc game bonus code day activities with the theme of "Inheriting the Red Gene and Drawing on Strength for Progress" and the bc game bonus code Committee Secretary giving special bc game bonus code lessons。All bc game bonus code members and cadres and newly converted bc game bonus code members,Revised the oath of joining the bc game bonus code in front of the bc game bonus code flag under the leadership of the company bc game bonus code committee secretary,Further enhance bc game bonus code members’ awareness of bc game bonus code spirit and pioneering consciousness。In the session of teaching special bc game bonus code courses,The Secretary of the bc game bonus code Committee said with "Absorbing the Majestic Power of Forging ahead on a New Journey,Work hard and work hard,Make every effort to promote the implementation of new urbanization with Chinese characteristics and achieve results" to carry out a special bc game bonus code class lecture。A total of 110 bc game bonus code members from the bc game bonus code branch of the affiliated (hosted) enterprise participated in the meeting via video link,Fully take the lead in leading high-quality development and promoting full coverage of thematic education。

(2) Carry out the red reading and recitation activity of “Praising the bc game bonus code’s Grace and Forging Loyalty”

According to the company’s educational arrangements for studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,With the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Organize and carry out red reading "read a book together" and collect reading experience activities,Through concentrated reading of the original text of "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" and "Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works" and exchange discussions,Guide all bc game bonus code members to combine study with work practice,In-depth understanding of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s latest important speech,Understand the essence of thought。Really draw wisdom from books、Armed Mind,Master the thinking methods and working methods contained in it,Inspire to use theoretical knowledge to guide practice,Focus on improving the theoretical system in practice,Continuously improve in learning。

(3) Carry out the activity of “Answering Questions on the 20th National Congress of the bc game bonus code and Theme Education Knowledge”

The company always adheres to the principle of "learning to build soul、Increase wisdom through learning、Correct the style through learning、Promote practice through learning”,Take theoretical study as the fundamental prerequisite and top priority for carrying out the preliminary work of thematic education,Adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and forge the soul,Continuously strengthen problem orientation in theoretical learning、Practice orientation、Demand-oriented。In order to further promote the theme education in depth and solidity,Create a strong atmosphere of learning and catching up,The company organized all employees in the headquarters to answer questions on the 20th bc game bonus code Congress and theme education knowledge。The answer content focuses on the theme of education and what you need to know、Mainly based on knowledge such as the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist bc game bonus code of China,Aimed at testing the phased learning outcomes of theme education,Further encourage all employees to learn and promote their initiative,Effectively transform learning results into work motivation to promote development,Provide scientific guidance for the implementation of theme education。

Follow the bc game bonus code by carrying out the "Concentrate the Heart and Cast the Soul",United and Struggle for a New Journey" series of activities,Further strengthened the confidence and belief of all employees in the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Enhanced the bc game bonus code spirit cultivation and bc game bonus code member awareness of the majority of bc game bonus code members,Improved the cohesion and centripetal force of the bc game bonus code organization。At the same time,These activities also subtly stimulated the initiative of every bc game bonus code member。Future,The company will unite more closely around the bc game bonus code Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Continue to unite and fight,In combination with annual work arrangements,Guide all bc game bonus code members to move forward bravely on the new journey,Contribute to the company’s high-quality development。

(Contributed by Ye Yihui of Jiantou Urbanization Company)