Anti -epidemic preservation casino review 2024 heating Practice to implement the shall be apparent
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-01-20

1month 18,Jianjian Heating Company received a letter of praise from the Dingzhou Concentrated Heating Management Office,In the letter, Dingzhou thermal Company to the subsidiaries Dingzhou thermal company in the 2022 period of heating,Actively take effective measures,To maintain social stability,The efforts bc game sportsbook review made by protecting people's livelihood have given high evaluation and fully affirming。

2022year, inNew crown epidemic、Under multiple influences of extremely cold weather,Dingzhou thermal force strictly implements the Dingzhou Municipal Party Committee、The instructions of the city government,Gu Quan people's livelihood,overcome many unfavorable factors, casino Always insist on people review 2024 -oriented,Complete annual urban heating projects in advance,Orderly promote the construction of the emergency dispatch command center project,Science and fine development "Winter Diseases and Summer Treatment",Without the cost, enter the "heating mode"。made outstanding contributions to urban centralized heating services,Add Glory to Building review 2024 Beautiful Dingzhou,Make the quality of heating app to the optimal level,received the recognition and praise from the majority of hot users and all sectors of society。

Next,The heating power will continue to practice Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,The 20th spirit of the party is the opportunity,Give full play to the "top beam column" role of state -owned enterprises casino in the energy guarantee battle.,Practice state -owned enterprise responsibility,Go all out、Coordinated to do a good job of safe production and energy supplies,With sincerity、Efficient service to warn the people over the Winter Insurance,To protect people's livelihood、Inspection of heating、Bao development makes greater contributions。

                                   (Supply of Fang Xiaolei, Fang Xiaoli Company)